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The next few visits I'd had with the others were entertaining, and eye opening for them. They kept remembering small things as time went on; then after a month or so of just Russy and Metta, they brought Alphys and Undyne. Undyne was a little dramatic at first - as always - but she came around after a while. Alphys just went along with it all, understand everything.

"U-uhm, (y-Y/n)?" Alphys spoke softly and I turned to her, "YES?" It had been a bit since they started coming and we were sitting next to the echo flowers.

"I r-remembered something." I nodded, signaling her to continue.

"I f-found this," she pulled out the beautiful head piece Sans had made me and continued on, "and w-when I examined I-it I started thinking and I-I remembered Sans had made it for you. F-for the dance we had before the f-flowey problem." I took the headdress from her and played with some of the leaves on it carefully.

I smile softly and looked back at Alphys, "THATS A GOOD START." I signed, chuckling.

"(Y/n).." I heard Sans' soft voice behind me and turned to look up at him, "It's about time." He stated like he had cotton in his mouth and I frowned.

"Don't be so sad.. Darling." I stood and gently stroked his cheek bone. I had gotten better at speaking, but the stutter would get too annoying for me. He frowned, which looked very unnatural on him and sighed, looking to the ground.

"I know.. I just hate when you leave. You know why." He held my hand on his cheek and I nodded, my thumb gently caressing it. "I understand." I whispered and let my hand drop so I could go say bye to Ethan, who was sitting with Russy and Undyne.

"I have to go.." I said smiling. I didn't feel like smiling, but my motherly instinct to make sure Ethan thought everything was ok took over. He stood and hugged me, sighing audibly. I pet his head before we parted and I said my goodbyes.

"Someday," Sans had pulled me into one last hug before I was to leave, "We are going to get you and Gaster out of that fucking hole." He sounded determined and I believed every word.

"I know.."

And with that I entered the rip before it shut till the next time.


I sat in the middle of the bed and yawned, looking around the room in deep thought.

"Honey, come on or you'll be late for school!" I heard my mother's voice from down stairs and I inhaled and sighed, "I know I'm up!" I called. It was a memory anyway so there was no real reason to hurry. I stretched and popped my back in different places before actually going to my bathroom and looking in the mirror.

I had my (y/h/c) hair down and in a mess as I usually woke up in this memory, there was even smudged mascara that I couldn't get off with just makeup remover the day before smudged down one cheek. I took one of my makeup wipes and cleaned that up before I brushed my teeth. I decided to put my hair up unlike all of the other times I watched this memory which was weird cause I didn't usually have control of my memories. I brushed it off and walked back to my closet where I picked out what I wanted to wear. I thought about it and picked old black jeans with holes in them and a sweater. The sweater was thick and black which was weird because it was the middle of August and it was still technically summer. I looked around the room and my head started hurting.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the date, August 30th, yea still summer. I looked out the window and it hit me. It wasn't a memory, "Oh, no. Ethan..."

I ran down stairs and looked my mother in the eyes. She was shorter than me and had a very soft facial structure, but her expression was doused with worry as I put both of my hands on her shoulders, "Mom, how old am I?" I asked calmly. She gave me a scoffing look before answering, "17, darling, did you take something?" She asked half jokingly before I released her shoulders, backing away.

"Also, why are you wearing such heavy clothing? It's 100 degrees outside." She stated the last part before turning back to making breakfast as she had been doing previously.

I ran back upstairs without answering and grabbed my backpack. I stuffed a bunch of clothes and precious items along with my phone and Katjia (stuffed tiger). I pulled on my boots quickly and I didn't even hesitate to grab my keys as I ran out. I went back down and out the door, yelling a loud, "Bye, love you." And bolting to my car. I wasn't going to school fuck that, "I'm gonna fucking kill you Sans."

I practically flew my ass to the park near Mount Ebot. I parked in the parking spot and locked my keys in the car cause I wasn't coming back. I climbed and climbed up the same way I was chased many many times before. I never spoke of it, but the reason I fell down the hole so many times was because I was being chased by a rapist. It happened every time except this one. Every time it's around my 21st birthday, and I'm sitting at the park alone and sad, and a dark man chases me up the mountain side till I fall into a hole.

I marched till I found the hole and I took my backpack off, wrapping it in a big blanket before dropping it down. I'd always been afraid of heights, but I needed a way down and that was it. I jumped and landed on the ground in the pile of golden flowers. I was out for a second, but woke up and picked up my bag, being determined as all get out.

I waltzed though the door and down the hall to where flowey usually was. I saw the small fucker and I towered over him, "Howdy I-... That expression doesn't suit you, (y/n)." He looked up at me slightly terrified and I gave him a big smile, not saying a word. He cowered and covered his face with his leaves, preparing for the worst. I just walked over him and went through the doors, not giving a single fuck about the weed. I walked all the way to Tori's house and met her, and fought her. She let me through and I stepped onto the crunchy snow. The big door shut and I sighed, shifting my bag back up into my arm as I straightened my sweater. I looked at the bush next to the door and waved at Alphys before heading on. That's where I knew I was gonna see Sans, I just fucking knew it.

"Sans?!" I called out as I stopped walking, "This isn't funny! You ruined Ethan's life?! How could you go back on your promise?!" I was sobbing now, almost screaming at the empty trail around me. "Sans answer me right fucking now you coward!"

But no body came.



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