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It was a while before me and Sans eventually fell asleep on the couch cuddled up to each other. We completely forgot about the idea of Russy even coming home, but strangely we weren't disturbed whatsoever. It was about 3 a.m. when I woke up, there was a blanket over both of us and the tv was off. It was dark, but I could still see Sans' peaceful sleeping face next to me as I laid there. I grabbed my phone from under the couch and looked at the time; yup, 3:30 a.m. I sighed and traced Sans' skull gently as I looked at the ceiling. Who the hell restarted the timelines? I had though it wasn't restartable. Even Gaster said the button was broken. Gaster. I looked at Sans who had opened his eyes looking up at me. I smiled down at him and he kept looking at me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Are you ok?" His deep voice sounded attractive rough and I nodded.

"Yea.. Hey, let me up imma go for a walk for a second." He complied and I went to change. When I changed I got one of Sans' shirts and wore some sweat pants. I grabbed my boots and slid them on before grabbing my phone again.I pulled my dads hand gun out of my bag and sighed as I stuck it in the side of my pants before walking out, and down stairs. Sans had fallen back asleep and I smiled at him, petting his head before walking out. I walked all the way to the end of Snowdin towards the ruins when I saw him. The small weed was sitting out in the open like a dumb mother fucker and I quietly hid, pulling my gun out from my side. Thankfully it had a silencer on it and I cocked it quietly. He was keeping still which wasn't too odd, and I aimed. I looked around to see if anyone else was there; no one was so I aimed again and shot three times. He fell over into the snow and I grinned. I walked over to him and picked him up. He was bleeding with three big bullet wounds in his face, but you could tell it was him.

"Good riddance, bitch." I walked all the way to the bridge were Russy's last puzzle was and tossed the dead plant off the side. I was merciless towards him because he was merciless towards me. He didn't deserve kindness.

I got back into town and to the house, went to our room and put the gun back on safety and into my bag. Sans was yet again still asleep, so I decided to rejoin him back on the couch where I had a nice rest.


I woke to see Sans staring at me lovingly and stroking my hair. I felt a blush rise on my face as I smiled happily, yawning.

"Good morning." I whispered groggily and he grinned, "Good morning, beautiful."

I stared at him as I stroked his skull lovingly, taking in the moment since it had been so long.

"Do you wanna make another Ethan?" he whispered softly, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me off the couch. I looked at him all flustered as he continued up the stairs towards our room. I thought about Ethan and how much I wish he could've been able to restart the new timeline with us, but until we would find out who changed it, it wouldn't have hurt to try to remake him.  I nodded as we entered the room and he set me on our bed.


It was around four in the afternoon before Russy got home and boy was it interesting.

"SANS, I'M HOME." we were in Sans' room dead asleep and naked together in bed, too out to hear him calling.

"SANS? WHERE ARE YOU BROTH-." Paps had opened Sans' bedroom door to find us together and he yelled even louder, "SANS WHO IS THIS AND WHY AREN'T YOU CLOTHED?"

Sans and I both jumped awake and Sans flung the covers over me, I didn't know why because I was wearing a shirt.. Well, just a shirt. 

"UHM WELL I CAN EXPLAIN." Sans stated quickly, very flustered and trying to find the correct words to say. Papyrus stood there with a confused expression as he looked from a very bare Sans, to a very tired and sore me. 

"Well?" Papyrus stated calmly, I only knew this type of papyrus to be the serious and understanding Russy. 

Sans looked from me, to Russy and sighed, "Th-This is (y/n), she uh... shes.."

"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you." I held out my hand and was surprised to get a hug instead. It was gentle and caring.

"I was hoping it was, you look so different." Papyrus spoke after pulling away. Sans had gotten dressed and we were both staring at him dumbfounded. 


"Yes, I woke up in the kitchen yesterday and I was in the middle of making spaghetti when last I checked I was talking to Ethan about you." he stated his relieved smile turning in a pained line. "Now Ethan's gone." He whispered. I sighed and realized that after getting Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, and Alphys to remember me they remembered timelines.

"Yes, sadly, he is." 

"The reason I didn't come home last night was because I went to Alphys' lab to talk to her about all of this, but neither of us could think of anything. Asriel was dead-"

"Is dead." I corrected him and they both started at me.

"(y/n) please tell me you didn't.." Sans gave me an exasperated look and I turned up my nose at him, "I wasn't going to have that fucker take over my body again so I put some bullets in his goddamn petals." I answered back just as exasperated.

"Well good ridance, but as I was saying, he was supposed to be dead at that time and Frisk didn't want to reset." 

"Well now we have to wait years for frisk to get back and take care of the border." I stated sadly, but then shook my head. We were going to make the best of those fucking years and I was going to have Ethan back and I was going to help fix things. 

I was heavilly determined.



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