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*still sans POV*

"So you want me to go with you...." Mettaton paused looking at me, "To the underground.." He paused again, looking at Papyrus, "...For what?" He looked back at me with an exasperated look like I'd just asked him to stop dating my brother (again).

"Yes. It's very important that you come with us." I stated, sighing as I rubbing the back of my skull. He raised his eyebrows at me and then looked at Papyrus, earning himself a shrug and an encouraging nod. I rested my head in my hands, sighing as I rubbing my eye sockets.

"Please." I exhaled the word desperately as I looked back up at him to find him slightly baffled, I never knew what for, but he just had that stupid look on his face.

"Alright. I'll go."

"Thank God." Ethan came around the corner from his room, apparently he'd been listening in even though I'd told him to get some rest since it was late.

"Ethan." I said tiredly, getting up and walking over to him, "Sleep. You've been awake for hours now I'm surprised you haven't crashed yet." He hadn't been sleeping well those past few weeks because all he could talk to me about was different theories to help (y/n). I admired his determination, he took after his mother, but it wasn't healthy for him not to sleep. Not saying that me not being able to sleep isn't healthy either, but he's still young and I didn't want him to develop the insomnia problems I did.

"Fine, fine." "Did you take your aromatherapy?" Mettaton called as he walked up to me from the end of the hall as he walked in his room. "Yea," He called back, I could hear him yawn as he shut his door, "G'night!" He called.

"Goodnight." I sighed, looking back to the other two, "We're gonna head out tomorrow to the underground. We aren't going to stay long because we can't.. Well we could but there wouldn't be anything else to do, just reminisce I guess." I mumbled the last part before heading to my room in the back.


We hurried in the morning to eat breakfast and get ready for the day. Ethan had school, but he had begged me to let him skip that day so I unwillingly let him tag along on the trip.

"It's time to go." I called from the front door as the other three finally came out to the living room.

"So what is all of this even for?" Mettaton asked. I paused in the middle of opening the door and sighed, "You'll find out when we get there." I stated, walking out to the car.

*(Y/n)'s POV*

I sat waiting, wondering when they'd be back. What was weird though was that the rip didn't close up completely after they'd left the other day and it gave me a little hopeful push in the right direction. Gaster was in memory land as I sat in my usual spot, daydreaming about memories. I daydreamed about the very first time I'd met Sans. I found him intriguing and funny, but I could tell there was something hidden in him when we first looked into each other's eyes. I had a knack for reading people, even monsters, and there had just been something about him. He didn't have hope. He'd lost hope ages before I arrived, a googolplex of timelines before I fell into the underground.

I sighed thinking about the first time I'd fell in love with him, it was about 50 timelines in and we were sitting in the echo field, I was waiting on frisk and Sans was taking one of his 'breaks' that he so often took from his telescoping 'business'.

"Hey, kid-" "Sans, I'm not a fucking kid you're only a year older than me asshat." I sighed, groaning. I heard him chuckle, "Alright, alright, (y/n), on the surface you make wishes on stars.. Right?"

I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, "Well, on shooting stars yes, but still stars? Not really." I stated looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, alright." He replied, looking up at the underground ceiling too. It was quiet for a bit before the silence was broken by Sans humming a song. At that point I'd known Sans for a little over a year and I didn't know he sang, let alone carried a tune.

"Why do you do this to me.. Why do you do this so easily.." He was only barely humming it out but it sounded great. I'd shown him my music and I guessed he just found that one particular song to be one of his favorites. I looked at him with wide eyes as I listened intrigued by the new found information. He we sat like that for a bit before he finally realized he was doing it and looked over at me, a light blue tinting his cheek bones.

"Oh, s-sorry." He stated, "No, please continue." I smiled at him, nudging his arm. He chuckled and sighed, "Don't tell Paps about this or else I'll never hear the end of it." I giggled as he said that and nodded, "Sure."

We sat for a little while, singing with each other for a little bit. As I listened to Sans voice and watched the way he smiled it kinda got me thinking about all of the things I liked about him. Philosophical almost.

It hit me as he looked over at me and we made eye contact; I was in love with a fucking skeleton.


"(Y/n)?" I heard Sans' voice and I instantly shot up.

"I'm here." I called.


"Well this was.. Enlightening." Mettaton spoke, sitting on the bench as he looked at me. He looked emotionally drained from it all, but he pretty much caught the gist of all that was going on. "No wonder I found that aromatherapy diffuser in Sans' stuff."

"What are you talking about?" "Oh, well I found an aromatherapy diffuser in some of your stuff as we were moving and I got curious so I looked it up and apparently there were different kinds, that's why I suggested giving Tae one to help with his sleep. I sure as hell knew it was yours cause you could sleep anywhere." Mettaton stated and Sans looked at me, "You had one of those?"

I looked to the side and made an 'eh' face, shrugging, "I DIDN'T TELL YOU, BUT I HAD A SLIGHT INSOMNIA PROBLEM SO I WOULD USE THOSE TO HELP SLEEP ON REALLY BAD NIGHTS." I signed, smiling sheepishly. Sans rolled his eyes and sighed, "Anyway, that's not the point." He paused and looked back at Metta, "So you understand now why we needed to bring you?" He asked calmly and Metta nodded.

"I understand and am fully ok with helping y'all out." He held up a thumbs up and smiled. I smiled softly and looked at Ethan, "SHOULDN'T YOU BE IN SCHOOL?" He looked at me for a moment before smiling sheepishly, "Eheh, holiday?" I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled, "NOT BUYING IT." He hung his head and I laughed, hugging him, "Iii love yoou." I spoke and he hugged back, "I love you too."

After the entire thing I finally got back into the void and was greeted by Gaster.

"How was it?" "IT WENT WELL, METTATONS AGREED TO HELPING AND ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS WAIT FOR THEM TO START REMEMBERING ME. FOR NOW WE JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY." I signed, sitting and sighing, "I NEED SLEEP." And with that I went down memory lane and thought about Sans the entire way... The hope of my family filled me with determination.




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