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'Is there a reason why I'm even here?' I sat around Grillby's nonchalantly as I was deep in thought. The little freak, Frisk, was walking around the now empty Snowdin like they owned the place since everyone fled. The only ones left were me, Papyrus, Sans, and Undyne, but we were just here to make sure they didn't wreck shit.

I randomly shuttered and gasped, feeling a part of me break suddenly as I grasped for air. 'The-The hell?' I thought, unable to make an audible sound. I rushed outside, feeling that something was terribly off. I ran out and into the small town square where I ran as fast as I could toward Sans and Paps' house. I screamed for them but no one answered then I heard loud sobbing. I ran towards the fog on the opposite side of their cabin, following the sobbing as I sped closer. I watched in horror as the fog cleared only to find Papyrus weeping over Sans' coat and a pile of ash, the little bitch getting ready to strike again. I felt my blood boil as I took on a crazed disposition, and lunged at them before the could attack, kicking them in the face and breaking there arm.

"TOUCH MY FUCKING BROTHER AGAIN BITCH AND YOU WILL SEE HELL DO YOU HEAR ME." I screamed as they stumble back, their emotionless and cold face unchanging as they reset their arm. Sans had told me of this. The other human and the way they treated people. He told me it wasn't like they wanted to do it, that they were possessed by this... 'Spirit' thing that had an extreme thirst for blood. I understood that, but as I watched them those last few days they became less and less human to me and more of a.... Monster..

"(Y-Y/n).... They... They killed Sans... B-because of m-me.." Paps' called, his voice was low and meek behind me, some whimpering coming after. I gritted my teeth as me and the monster had a stare down. They finally turned and silently left after a long moment of just standing there and I tightened my fist in rage as I turned to look at Papyrus. He sat on the ground crying and cradling Sans' parka jacket and I inched towards him. I watched my vision blur as I blinked away the thick tears clouding my vision. I was enraged and full of emotions but numb all at the same time. I calmly took Papyrus to Alphys' lab, sending him off to go with the others. I took Sans' jacket and tied it around my waist before going forward to the core. I stopped by the Royal guard, grabbing a sword and chest plate, strapping up before I went to battle with the freak.

"I'll fucking kill you." I growled as I walked out.  I made it to the core and I stormed through, making a bee-line for the halls and to the elevators. I made my way to the castle with a shortcut Sans showed me a few days before. It was like he knew this was gonna happen, but I wasn't going to question it. Sans was my best friend, my boyfriend and the little fucker killed him before I could tell him my true feelings; We'd only just started dating.

I planted my self in the golden hallway of the castle, patiently awaiting the kid to show up and fight me, when my phone buzzed loudly. I looked at the screen and it was Alphys.

"Yea?" All I heard was loud sobbing from the other end and I already knew. Undyne was dead. "When that fucker gets here they're dying." I stated before crushing my phone with my hand into little pieces from heavy anger weighing on me. I paced back and forth, knowing they were going to be here soon as I swung around the sword I'd took. It wasn't like a stole it cause no one was there, everyone had fled with Alphys and went to the boarder room where Asgore awaited for me to bring the 'human's' soul. Sans wasn't here to do it any more and I knew the little shit would get away with its genocide streak if I didn't do it myself.

I spun on my heels at the sound of the doors sliding open and their foot steps entering. I welded my sword and started the monster known as 'frisk' in the eyes as they neared me with their stone cold stare. They had their ash covered knife in their grasp as they readied them selves for the fight of their small insignificant life.

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