Chapter 4

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Grace 🌸

I didn't see Nathan again until I decided to go back to the sandwich shop one day. It was about 2 and a half weeks after the day that I met him in the woods. I hadn't gone back to that place where we met, even though he said that he wouldn't mind sharing his "special place" with me. I thought it would be weird to go back. I mean I didn't even know this boy and I was willing to share his secret hideout? For all I knew he could be a teenage serial killer or psychotic ax murderer! I laughed to myself as I imagined Nathan jumping out from behind a tree and swinging an ax at me. He didn't look like the "ax murderer type", but looks can be deceiving. Besides I don't even know what the "ax murderer type" looks like!

"What are you smiling about?" my mom asked me. She was busy marking some algebra work that I had just completed. Ever since the accident my mom has been homeschooling me. The accident left me with a terrible case of hypersomnia which makes normal schooling kinda difficult. We don't talk about the accident anymore. We don't talk about what it took away from us. We haven't forgotten about what happened, but it's been almost 2 years since that dreadful day and some things are best left unspoken about.

"I was just thinking about something funny," I replied nonchalantly. No way was I going tell my mom about my "Nathan-the-ax-murderer" imaginings.

I looked out of the window while my mom continued to mark my complex algebraic equations. It was a beautiful Autumn's day. Not too chilly or too windy. The sun shone it's golden rays against the almost bare trees. The ground was littered with dry fallen leaves in multiple shades of colour - from deep burgundy to honey brown. It was a truly magnificent sight. The problem with people nowadays is they're always so busy that they fail to appreciate the simple pleasures and beauty in life. For example people fail appreciate the charm, elegance and splendor of nature. Every season, whether it's spring or fall or summer or winter, nature continues to mesmerize those willing to look and appreciate it's enchanted glory.

"Mom, can I go out for a bit?" I asked. My mom looked surprised for a moment. I don't blame her though, I rarely leave the house.

"Yeah sure," she replied. I leapt up from my chair.

"I'm just going to pop in by the sandwich shop in town. You want anything?" My mom shook her head.

"No thanks, honey," she said. She had recovered from her initial shock of me leaving the house out of my own free will. Honestly, you would think that I never leave the house the way she reacted. I do go out now and then. I just don't really have any friends to hang out with and even if I did I would probably be too busy sleeping most of the time to be able to actually hang out with them. Living with hypersomnia has ruined any chance I had at a good social life and it robbed me of my will to take part in any activities enjoyed by kids my age. But I actually liked being alone. I had gotten so used to it only being my parents and I that sometimes I found it difficult to remember how things were before. I used to have a life. And friends. And dreams. But the day of the accident everything changed.

I left the house and took the bus to the center of town. It wasn't a long drive and soon I was in front of the familiar grey building with it's bright green signboard and advertisements for fruit smoothies and sandwich specials stuck against the glass windows. Up until that moment I didn't know if Nathan would be there or not. I didn't know the times of his shifts. Not that I cared if he was there, I mean like I said, I barely knew the guy. But as I walked into the shop I noticed a familiar face with dark tousled hair and bags beneath his eyes. I also recognized the rust coloured boy with the skateboard who was leaning against the counter just like the last time I was here. He must be a friend of Nathan's, I thought. I walked up to the counter and Nathan recognized me immediately.

"Grace!" he exclaimed, his whole face lighting up.

"Hi," I said with a shy smile.

"What can I get you?" he asked still smiling his gorgeous, straight-teeth smile. He definitely must have had braces because no smile can be so perfect. He could get a job as a Colgate model, I found myself musing. Ugh snap out of it, Grace! And make your order, he's waiting! Nathan was looking at me with a polite expectant expression.

"I would like a peanut butter and banana smoothie please," I said and started scratching in my purse for the money.

"Ah so our peanut butter and banana smoothie made a good impression," he said with a grin. I can't believe that he remembered my previous order! But that means nothing, he probably remembers most of his orders. He is so good at his job!

After Nathan had finished preparing my smoothie he handed it over. "Enjoy," he said jovially. I was planning on just buying me a smoothie and then going straight home but somehow I found myself looking for a seat in the small sandwich shop. I chose a comfortable window seat which gave me a good view of the bustling town on my right and a good view of Nathan on my left. I happily sat down, sipping the delicious smoothie and enjoying the view(s).


Hello fellow Wattpaders!
I'm really sorry if I took too long to update but I was away for the weekend and I didn't have any wifi.
I hope that you're enjoying my story so far!
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Lots of love xx
~ Aqeelah (@cosmic-thoughts)

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