Chapter 19

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Nathan 🌵

Grace phoned me at 9 p.m that night. Well I thought it was Grace. When I saw her name flashing on the screen of my phone I felt multiple emotions all at once. First relief that she was finally willing to talk to me and then anger at the fact that she expected me to answer her calls when she didn't answer mine!

"Hello" I said into the receiver, but I never heard a reply. All I heard was muffled sobs.

"Grace? Is something wrong?"

I heard the gruff voice of a man say: "Give the phone to me, I'll speak to him." It was the unmistakable voice of Grace's dad.


"Yes sir?"

"Do you think you'll be able to come down to the hospital?" His voice sounded cracked and I could hear the hysterical cries of someone in the background. Was that Grace's mom?

"What's going on?" I asked anxiously.

"I'll explain when you get here," Mr Ashbury said.

"Which hospital is it?"

"Winchester Hospital. Will you be able to come?"

"Yes sir I'll be on my way."

I got my dad to drive because I didn't have a car nor a driver's license. Tommy had begged to come with but I refused to let him tag along. Something was wrong, I could her it in Mr Ashbury's voice. Had something happened to Grace? Did she..... Pictures of Grace laying on the tiled floors of her bathroom, her wrists slit open and blood staining her clothes filled my mind. She wouldn't do it. Grace wouldn't kill herself. Right? I tried to reassure myself but the niggling doubt refused to go away.

As we approached the hospital my heart sunk. What horrors awaited past those shiny sliding doors? My father asked for the Ashburys at reception and we were directed to where Mr and Mrs Ashbury was. Their eyes were blood-shot and Mrs Ashbury was perched precariously on the edge of a chair, she held a half full glass of water in her hand and she was so pale I feared she might faint.

"Nathan," Mr Ashbury greeted as he came towards me and my father. His face was grim but he plastered on a failed attempt at a fake smile.

"What's wrong Mr Ashbury," I asked. The suspense was killing me! What had happened? And where was Grace?

"The operation... it wasn't a success," Mr Ashbury choked back a sob and moved towards the comfort of his wife.

"Hello Nathan," Mrs Ashbury said putting an arm around her husband and sending a pityful smile towards me, "I'm so sorry."

"What are you guys talking about? What operation? Where's Grace?" I had never been more confused and worried in my entire life.

"She never told you?" Mr Ashbury asked.

"She had a brain aneurysm. They tried to operate on her but the aneurysm ruptured before they could do anything. They thought they could save her but... like Bella..." Mrs Ashbury couldn't continue. She held onto her husband and they weeped silently.

"What the hell is an aneurysm?!" I yelled. I didn't mean to sound so angry but if what these folks were telling me was true then Grace was dead and I refused to believe something as stupid as that.

"Nathan," my father said putting his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off and looked at the Ashburys who still hadn't replied to my question.

"I asked a fucking question!"

"Nathan!" my father scolded, "Do not curse them! It's disgusting and disrespectful! Can't you see they're in enough grief!"

Mrs Ashbury broke away from her husband and came to console me. She put her arms around me and even though I tried to break away from her embrace, she held on tightly. That's when I broke down. The tears flowed furiously from my eyes, wetting Mrs Ashbury's knitted sweater.

What the hell was wrong with Grace? How could she not tell me she had fucking aneurysm (whatever that was)? How could she not tell me she was going for an operation? HOW COULD SHE DIE?!

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What the hell was wrong with Grace? How could she not tell me she had fucking aneurysm (whatever that was)? How could she not tell me she was going for an operation? HOW COULD SHE DIE?!

I cried harder than I had ever cried in my entire life, while these dark thoughts filled my mind. Once Mrs Ashbury broke away, my dad handed me a tissue and I gratefully accepted it.

"She told me to give this to you if anything happens," Mrs Ashbury said and handed me a note. I shoved it into my pocket to read later.

"Can I see her?" I asked. My voice was rough from the crying.

Mrs Ashbury nodded and directed me to Grace's room. There she laying on a hospital bed. So beautiful even in death. No, she is NOT dead. This is all some kind of sick joke. She would NOT leave me alone!

Her face was pale and sunken. I grabbed her hand and gasped at how cold it was. I reached down until my warm lips touched her cold, blue lips. My vision blurred and fresh tears began falling into her hair. Those gorgeous golden locks devoid of life.

"Grace..." I sobbed. She looked so peaceful that it looked like she was just asleep. Lost in her world of dreams and hypersomnia. But instead of her usual hypersomnia episodes she would not eventually wake from this sleep. No, this was the long and everlasting sleep of death.




This was really sad to write and I hope it sounds realistic 😭😭

And no this is not the last chapter THERE IS STILL MORE TO COME!

~ Aqeelah (@cosmic-thoughts)

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