Chapter 14

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A/N: A few people thought that Chapter 13 was the last chapter. Don't worry guys, I'll give you a heads up before I end this story :)


Grace 🌸

Where am I? What time is it?

I sat up and rubbed my sleepy, disorientated eyes. Once the usual fuzziness and dizziness had subsided I looked around and realised that I was in my room, in my bed. I had been sleeping. I glanced at the digital watch at my bedside. It was 10 am, which meant I had slept for 20 hours. Despite my long sleep I still felt extremely tired. For most people this would be unusual, but such long sleeps followed by still feeling tired and lethargic was normal for me.

I climbed out of bed, slipped on my fluffy unicorn slippers and padded downstairs. My mom was up already but my dad was still asleep. Sundays were the only days he could sleep late and he made sure to make use of that novelty. My mom was frying eggs when I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh hey honey, you're awake!" my mom said, which was a stupid thing to say because clearly I was awake, I was standing right in front of her! Okay, it was possible that I was sleep walking but I haven't sleep-walked since I was 9.

"Yes mom, I'm finally awake," I said as I sat down lazily and lay my head on the table.

"I made some eggs," my mom said, placing two steaming fried eggs on a plate in front of me.

I was usually ravenous after my hypersomnia episodes and this time was no exception. I toasted two slices of bread, buttered the toast and sat down to eat. Sleeping so long makes me so damn hungry.

After breakfast I decided to check my messages. As usual there was a message from Nathan. He always sent me sweet messages for "whenever you decide to wake up".

N: Hey Grace! If you happen to wake up on time I was wondering if you'd like to come over for lunch? You met my mom already but the rest of my family is dying to meet you! Let me know you if can make it. Love you xx

I studied Nathan's words. Lunch with the Hunters? But what if I fall asleep? That would be so disrespectful and embarrassing! I don't mind falling asleep in front of Nathan, he has seen me sleep many times, but falling asleep in front of his parents? That didn't seem like a good idea.

G: Hey babe. I don't think lunch with your family is such a good idea. Love you too xx

N: Don't worry, they know about your sleep disorder and they understand. Please come! I miss you :(

I knew this day was coming soon. Nathan and I have been dating for a while and it was only a matter of time before his parents would want to see me, or in his mom's case, see me again. Ugh I would have no choice but to go. It's only one meal, I reassured myself before texting Nathan affirmative.


I arrived at Nathan's house a little after 1. I was wearing the midnight blue dress that my parents had bought me for my birthday. I hope I looked decent enough for the Hunters.

I rang the bell and was greeted with a smiling Nathan. "Hello Grace. Wow, you look ravishing!"

I blushed furiously as Nathan beckoned me inside. The Hunters house was neat and well furnished. Framed photographs decorated the walls and I saw many adorable photos of Nathan at different ages. There was also pictures of a younger boy that looked quite similar to Nathan. That must be Nathan's little brother, Thomas.

Nathan took me to the kitchen where Mrs Hunter was preparing lunch. Mr Hunter was standing behind her picking at the food and popping it into his mouth, only to get his hand swatted away by his wife. The Hunters looked at me as I entered the kitchen and greeted me with warm smiles and compliments on my "beautiful dress".

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