Chapter 7

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Nathan 🌵

Every year my mom volunteers to run a stall at the Annual Autumn Charity Festival. "Honey, do you mind watching the stall? I saw this lovely lace dress at one of the clothing stalls and I wanted to buy it before someone else gets their hands on it," my mom said.

"Sure," I replied with a shrug. I had no idea why my mom would need a lace dress but I let her go and purchase it "before someone else gets their hands on it".

It was Saturday, the second day of the festival (the festival starts late Friday afternoon). I was busy serving warm drinks to thirsty customers, when I spotted her walking amongst the festival-goers. I caught her eye and she smiled at me. Oh my god she's coming this way, I thought as she made her way towards my mom's stall.

"Hey Grace," I said once she reached the stall.

"Hi Nathan."

"Want something to drink?" I asked gesturing towards the machines that dispersed the hot drinks I was selling.

"Sorry, I don't have any cash on me today."

"No problem. This one's on me."

I took two paper cups and held them beneath the machines.
"What would you like? Tea? Coffee? Cappuccino? Hot chocolate? Our pumpkin spiced latté? It's an Autumn special!"

"What? No peanut butter and banana smoothies?" she joked.

"Not today," I replied with grin.

"It's okay. I don't want anything."

"I insist," I said, shaking the empty paper cup.

"Okay, I'll just have hot chocolate please." I filled the two cups with warm hot chocolate.

"I'm back!" my mom said, returning to the stall just as I finished making the hot chocolate. She was carrying a plastic bag that looked suspiciously as if it held more than just a lace dress. Sigh. Some women just can't resist the urge to shop.

"I hope you paid for that," my mom said eyeing the two hot chocolates I held in my hand.

"Yes mom," I said rolling my eyes. "Here you go," I said handing Grace a hot chocolate.

"Thanks," she said.

"And who is this lovely, young lady?" my mom asked looking at Grace with a smile.

"Mom, this is Grace. Grace, this is my mom," I said in a dull monotone.

"Kate Hunter," my mom said, shaking Grace's hand (the one not holding a hot chocolate of course).

"Nice to meet you Mrs Hunter," she said returning my mother's gleaming smile.

"Oh you can call me Kate," my mom said.

"Okay can I go now? I don't have to help with the stall anymore right?" I asked.

"Yeah run along," my mom said dismissively.

Grace and I walked around the large field where the festival was being held, drinking our hot chocolates, admiring the things on sale and chatting amiably about the most random of things. It was weird how easy it was to talk to her. I noticed Ahmad standing by the skating ramps which had been set up for the skating exhibition/competition that was being held here at the festival today. His one arm held his skateboard and his other arm was around his girlfriend, Yusrah.

"Hey guys," I said as we walked up to them.

"Oh hey Nathan," Ahmad said. His gaze fell on Grace standing beside me.

"Grace, this is my best mate, Ahmad and his girlfriend, Yusrah. Ahmad, Yusrah, this is Grace." I said.

Once everyone was introduced Ahmad looked at the time on his wrist watch and said, "I gotta go. The skating competition is about to start. Wish me luck!" he said running off.

"Good luck!" we called after him.

As soon as he left we went to find a good place to stand and watch the competition. I was never really interested in skating but I thought the performances were quite impressive. Ahmad was really good but unfortunately he did not win the grand prize.
"Oh well, better luck next time," he said, wiping sweat from his brow. The performance was over and they had just announced the winners.

"You did really well babe," Yusrah said, giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Thanks love," he said, "Let's go get something to eat. I'm famished!"

Yusrah and Ahmad left to go buy them something to eat at one of the many food stalls. As soon as they were gone I turned to Grace.
"Wanna get something to eat as well? We could go down to Joe's Pizzeria, unless you wanna buy something here?" I asked.

"Joe's Pizzeria?"

"Yeah, the best pizza place in the whole town.. Maybe even the whole country!"

"Oh, I've never been there before."

"Really? It opened about two years ago and it's seriously the best!"

"Well I haven't really gone out much for the past two years, so that probably explains why I don't know it..."

Something about the way she said that made me refrain from asking any questions about the last two years, even though I was confused and curious to know what she meant.

"So you wanna go to Joe's Pizzeria? You won't regret it!" I said. She shook her head.

"It's getting late," she said even though the sun had just begun to set, transforming the sky into a fiery paradise with pink tinged clouds and streaks of gold, red, amber and violet. "I should probably head home. Maybe another time?"

"Sure," I said trying to act nonchalant despite feeling deeply rejected.

"Let me give you my number," she said. I handed her my phone and she typed in her contact details.

"Thanks," I said pressing the "save" button.

"See you around, Nathan," she said with a smile.


Hey guys!
I'm so sorry if I took too long to update. I haven't been feeling too well lately and I've also been really busy with stuff. I hope this double update makes up for the delay.
I love interacting with my readers so please vote and comment on this story (nobody does anymore 😓).
Lots of love xx
~ Aqeelah (@cosmic-thoughts)
P.S. What do you guys think about my new username and profile? Should I have left it the way it was (@myfangirlimagination)? Please let me know!!

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