Chapter 10

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Grace 🌸

I gasped! Nathan was standing in my kitchen and I was sitting by the table looking like a hobo while demolishing my birthday breakfast of flapjacks with cream and syrup. He was dressed so casual in simple white tee with he's favourite washed-out jeans and a pair of Adidas. Meanwhile I was dressed in my comfy Batman pajamas and my hair was a bird's nest. I could just die of embarrassment! Not a good way to start my birthday.

"N-Nathan?" I stuttered. What was he doing here anyway? And why was he clutching a bouquet of flowers and a wrapped parcel like his life depended on it?

"Hey Grace. Sorry to interrupt your breakfast," he said sheepishly as he gestured towards my flapjacks drenched in syrup and cream.

"It's okay. I'm almost done anyways. What are you doing here?"

He thrust the parcel and flowers at me. "These are for you. Happy birthday, Grace." He looked as embarrassed as I felt.

"Thanks," I said taking the beautiful flowers and gift.

My mother was watching this entire exchange with an excited but sceptical expression. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" she asked.

"Mom this is Nathan, Nathan this is my mother."

"Nice to meet you Mrs Ashbury," Nathan said politely.

I stood awkwardly and watched as they shook hands.

"So I was wondering, if you don't have any plans today, would you like to.. uhm.. go out with me? As friends of course." Nathan asked me.

"She would love to go out with you!" my mom blurted.

"Mom!" I groaned and then turned to Nathan. "Sure. Let me just finish my breakfast and get dressed."


Half an hour later and I was ready to go. "Where are you going?" my dad asked as he walked into the kitchen where Nathan was sitting with my mom, waiting for me.

"She's going out. With a boy," my mom said happily. Trust my mom to always get excited whenever I went out with anybody.

"A boy?!" my dad asked, eyeing Nathan.

Nathan shifted uncomfortably in his seat under my father's glare.

"Okay we're going now!" I exclaimed, dragging Nathan with me.

"Have fun honey!" my mom called after us. I could still hear my father reapeating, "A boy?!" as if it was the most shocking thing he heard in all his life.

Gosh my family is so embarrassing.

"Okay so where are we going?" I asked Nathan.

"Well first we need to take a cab down to Clover Street," he replied as he hailed a cab.

We drove in silence. I stared out of the cab window and I watched people go about their business. Even though it was a little chilly it was still a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was shining and there was not a cold to be seen. We stopped in the busy Clover Street lined with numerous shops and restaurants. I hoped we weren't going to eat at one of the many restuarants or  eateries because I was still quite full after my flapjack stack.

"Follow me," Nathan said taking my hand.

After walking down the long Clover Street we eventually stopped and I realised where he was taking me. The carnival! I had heard that the Presley's Carnival was in town and I had been dying to go but I didn't want to go alone. Nathan paid for our tickets at the gate and we walked in.

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