Chapter 18

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Grace 🌸

The day of my operation I went to Joe's Pizzeria alone. I still hadn't spoken to Nathan since the day we fought. He had tried to call me but I just ignored his calls. I wasn't mad at him - far from it - but the coming operation terrified me and instead of going to my boyfriend for support, I isolated myself. Distancing myself from people was probably the only thing I was good at.

I chose a quiet booth, away from prying eyes, and ordered a large margherita pizza for myself. I ate the entire pizza in silence. Savouring what could possibly be my last meal on this earth. When I had finished the pizza, I wiped my mouth and hands on a serviette and I noticed a familiar face walking into the restuarant with a crowd of girls. The familiar face noticed me - damn what good eyesight she had because I was practically hidden - and made her way towards me.

"Hey," Yusrah said, sliding into the seat opposite me.

"Hey Yusrah."

"I haven't heard from you in a while, what's up?"

I didn't reply. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at the person who was probably the closest thing I had to a girl friend.

"Oh no. Did you and Nathan fight?"

I nodded still not trusting my voice.

"Don't worry, Ahmad and I fight all the time! But we always end up in each others arms again, that's what healthy couples do."

"That's not the reason I'm upset," I said, drying my eyes with my sleeve.

"Then what's wrong Grace?"

Yusrah held my hands and gazed intently at me with concern. I contemplated whether I should tell her or not. Nobody besides my parents and some close family members knew about my aneurysm and the intimidating procedure scheduled for this afternoon.

"I'm going for an operation today," I blurted out. I told her everything and it actually felt good to talk about the mess which was my life.

"I haven't told Nathan yet," I admitted.

"What? Are you crazy? He's your BOYFRIEND!"

"I know but... It's difficult to talk about this and I don't want to worry him. I'll tell him after the operation, I promise!"

"And what if you don't make it..." Yusrah words were soft and she refused to look me in the eyes.

I merely shrugged.

Just then the group of girls that Yusrah came with started to call her. "Wanna join us?" she asked.

"No it's okay, I ate already."

Before she left Yusrah gave me a tight hug, almost squeezing all the air out of me. Nathan and Ahmad were right - Yusrah is strong!

"You're an amazing person, Grace, and I'm glad to have met you."

As she left I could have sworn I saw her wiping tears out of her eyes.


My heart beat frantically in my chest. It was time for the operation. I sat between my parents in the waiting room at Winchester Hospital. My father's fingers were nervously drumming on the edge of his seat. My mother was attempting to read a magazine but every few seconds I caught her sending desperate glances towards me as if she feared I might disappear any moment.

"Ms Ashbury," a pretty asian nurse said coming towards us, "Let me direct you to the operating room."

Dr Hector was already in the room surrounded by medical equipment and other medical practitioners that I didn't recognize.

"Good afternoon, Grace. How are you doing?" Dr Hector asked.

"I'm okay. Just quite nervous," I said anxiously.

"You are very brave, Grace," he said.

I was given some time to greet my parents.

"You'll be asleep so you won't feel a thing!" my father said reassuringly.

I looked at my mother and I could see her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill. I pulled both my parents into a tight hug.

"I love you both so much!" I said. We were all crying now, even my dad who always tries to put on a brave face.

"We love you too, more than anything in this world," my dad said, his voice cracking.

My mother just nodded, her sobs muffled by my sweater. As we broke apart and dried our tears my mother looked at me with a smile.

"My beautiful baby. You've grown up into a lovely woman."

Just then the asian nurse came to call me.

"We'll wait for you," my father said.

"Wait. If anything... bad happens, give this to Nathan." I thrust a folded note into my mother's hands and she nodded. It was a goodbye/apology letter that I had written for Nathan while I was waiting in the waiting room.

The last thing I saw of my parents were their brave smiles and wet eyes.


Good luck Grace!

Oh and don't forget... VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW ME, ADD THIS STORY TO YOUR READING LISTS AND SHARE! I will be forever grateful if you do :)

~ Aqeelah (@cosmic-thoughts)

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