Chapter 9

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Nathan 🌵

After our dinner at Joe's Pizzeria, Grace and I became really close. We texted each other everyday and Grace would often come over to the sandwich shop during my shift to buy a smoothie or sandwich. She would wait till my shift was over and then we would walk home together. She was so fun to be around!

"I'm so glad you and Grace are together. Grace is great! She's almost as great as Yusrah. I say almost because no one is as great as Yusrah obviously. She's the best," Ahmad said. I rolled my eyes and grinned at my infatuated best friend.

I was over at Ahmad's house. We were playing video games and eating pizza (courtesy of Joe's Pizzeria of course). Our favourite pastime.

"Firstly, Grace and I are not together. We're just friends. And secondly, Yusrah is not the best," I said just because I like watching Ahmad get defensive over his girlfriend.

"Well firstly, if your definition of "just friends" includes pizza dates and texting each other every hour of the day, then yeah you're definitely "just friends". And secondly, Yusrah is the best - it's not up for discussion."

I rolled my eyes again (I seem to do a lot of eye-rolling when I'm with Ahmad). I decided to focus on the game we were playing. Once Ahmad has made up his mind about something it's difficult to convince him otherwise. Let him continue fantasizing about my imaginary relationship with Grace.

"I'm just saying that it's great to see you so happy," Ahmad said, "Ever since you've met Grace you've been... I don't know... different? And trust me it's a good different! Grace brings out the best in you."

I tried to concentrate on the game but I couldn't help thinking about what Ahmad had said. It's true that I've been acting a bit different but that's because I've been getting a bit more sleep lately. I wouldn't say that my insomnia has miraculously been cured, but lately the constant mess of chaotic thoughts have not been keeping me awake at night anymore. Now there's only one thing on my mind before I go to sleep.



An hour of gaming and many slices of pizza later, the doorbell rang. I heard Ahmad's mom open up for whoever it was.

"They're in his room. They have been playing video games for ages!" I heard Ahmad's mom say.

"Typical," a female voice replied. I could almost see the expression on Yusrah's face.

Ahmad's bedroom door opened and Yusrah walked in clutching multiple shopping bags.

"Hey babe," Ahmad said without even looking up from the game we were playing, "We've you been?"

"Well," Yusrah said. She stood in front of Ahmad, purposefully blocking his view of the television. "I went shopping with Grace."

At the mention of her name I paused the game and looked at Yusrah. "You mean Grace Ashbury? My Grace?"

"Yes your Grace," Yusrah said with a smirk.

"No I don't mean she's my Grace, I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same person," I said blushing furiously.

"Those rosy cheeks state otherwise," Yusrah joked, making my cheeks go even redder.

"So why were you shopping with Grace?" Ahmad asked the question on both of our minds.

"I felt sorry for her! The girl barely has any friends and even though I don't like shopping - unless it's food shopping - I figured she could use some retail therapy."

"That's my girl! Always thinking about other people," Ahmad said, "Now can you move out of the way so we can complete our mission?"

"No. Nathan, I wanted to ask you. Do you know what happened to Grace two years ago? Whenever you mention something that happened two years her expression changes. And she also said that she's been suffering from this "Hypersomnia" for two years."

I remembered how Grace's expression clouded when I mentioned that Joe's Pizzeria opened up about two years ago. What happened two year ago? I was determined to find out.

"Beats me," I shrugged, "What makes you think I know anything?"

"Well seeing that you guys are an item I figured-"

"We're just friends!!"

"-you would know something," Yusrah continued ignoring my outburst, "Oh and another thing, it's Grace's birthday in a few days and you better spoil her rotten!"

"Are you and Grace suddenly BFFs?"

"Something like that. So do we have a deal?"

I shrugged. I wouldn't mind spoiling Grace, birthday or not.

"Okay can we continue playing now?" Ahmad moaned.


On the morning of Grace's birthday I showed up at her house bearing flowers and chocolate. I stood nervously outside of the front door. I remembered the time we stood here after our dinner at Joe's Pizzeria. It was a truly magical moment.

I hesitated before ringing the doorbell. Would she even be awake? What would her parents say when they saw me? Would they allow me to take her out? What if she had plans already? I wouldn't want to spoil her birthday. Would she even want to spend her birthday with me? I was no one special to her. Just a friend.

I blocked out all the crazy thoughts swirling around in my head and rang the doorbell. A middle aged woman with golden brown hair greying at the front and kind brown eyes opened the door. She looked just like an older version of Grace.

"Yes?" she asked. She was probably confused as to why there was a random boy on her doorstep carrying a bunch of brightly coloured flowers and a small box wrapped in leftover Christmas wrapping paper.

I cleared my throat. After all, first impressions are important. "I'm here for Grace," I said.

She opened the door and let me in. "Grace, there's a lovely young man here for you," she called. I noticed the tone of her voice. It was excited yet slightly accusing. I followed her into the kitchen and there was the birthday girl eating a stack of flapjacks at kitchen table.

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