Ask or Dare Danganronpa characters

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Alter Ego: Hello! My name is Alter Ego! I was programed to control this ask or dare book by Neko-chan!

Mikan: S-So please ask us anything. O-Only if you want to!

Hiyoko: Shut up pig!

Mikan: Ahh! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!

Chihiro: P-P-Please calm down.

Hiyoko: You sound just like that pig.

Chihiro: Ahh I'm sorry!

Alter Ego: Everyone calm down we must start the book!

Hiyoko: Hmph!

Gundam: I, Gundam Tanaka, am going to let you mortals ask me questions. You should be over joyed to be able to even talk to me! HAHAHAHA!

Maizono: Naegi, aren't you excited for the ask book?

Naegi: Yeah, it sounds fun!

Kirigiri: I agree.

Togami: Hmph. *Pushes up glasses*

Twogami: Hmph. *Also pushes up glasses*

Peko: Master doesn't this sounds fun?

Fuyukiko: I guess. I better not get any weird *bleep* questions.

Ishimaru: Classmate, please do not curse!

Fuyukiko: What you say eyebrows!?

Mondo: What did you call my Bro!?

Chihiro: P-Please stop!

Alter Ego: I think this was a bad idea.

Chiaki: *Snore*

Hajime: I agree.

Mikan: I-I think we should e-end this chapter h-here.

Alter Ego: So do I. Everyone please ask us questions.

Mikan: A-And give us dares.

Aoi: Bye!!!!!!

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