Dare #2

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Ishimaru react to Ishimondo, Chishimondo, Ishiles, and Ishikuro.

Ishimaru: What are those?

Alter Ego: There ship names.

Ishimaru: Who am I being "shipped" with?

Alter Ego: Here I'll show you. We'll start with Ishimondo

Ishimaru: I-I'm shipped with my bro!?

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Ishimaru: I-I'm shipped with my bro!?

Mondo: *smirk*

Alter Ego: You did kiss him about two chapters ago.

Ishimaru: *blushes* W-We don't talk a-about that!

Alter Ego: Why not? I bet the fangirls liked it.

Ishimaru: C-Can we just go to the next ship?

Alter Ego: Okay. Next is Chishimondo.

Alter Ego: I personally love this picture, it's so cute!

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Alter Ego: I personally love this picture, it's so cute!

Ishimaru: I guess It's not that bad.

Chihiro: S-So it's like a love triangle?

Alter Ego: Yeah I think so.

Mondo: I think it's pretty cool.

Alter Ego: Next is Ishiles.

Ishimaru: I'm shipped with her!? But she killed me!

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Ishimaru: I'm shipped with her!? But she killed me!

Alter Ego: Well technically Yamada killed you. But look at it! It's so cute!

Ishimaru: I have a feeling you ship all of these!

Alter Ego: I ship everything! Well almost everything.

Celestia: I kinda like this one.

Ishimaru: Can we move on?

Alter Ego: Fine, Next is Ishikuro.

Alter Ego: Fine, Next is Ishikuro

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Ishimaru: Well that picture is.......Interesting but not welcome in school.

Alter Ego: Well there is nothing bad about. You just have your fingers in her mouth.

Ishimaru: That sound strange.

Alter Ego: It sounded better in my head.

Mukuro: *blushes* This picture is very interesting.

Alter Ego: That's what Ishimaru said.

Ishimaru: Is there another ship I have to review?

Alter Ego: No but you have to rate them. 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

Ishimaru: Ishimondo is *blushes* 9/10.

Alter Ego: Why not 10/10?

Ishimaru: B-Because he's my B-Bro.

Alter Ego: Okay but I know in your head you want to say 10/10.

Ishimaru: I do not! Anyway Chishimondo is 10/10.

Alter Ego: Why?

Ishimaru: Because it's nice having Chihiro there. I don't want to leave out my classmate.

Chihiro:*smiling* It's okay Ishimaru. I'm used to being left out.

Alter Ego: Neko-chan said you just broke her nonexistent heart.

Sonia: Poor Chihiro. We won't leave you out.

Gundam: I'll let you pet The Four Dark Devas of Destruction if that helps.

Chihiro: Okay.

Alter Ego: While they do that Ishimaru finish rating

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Alter Ego: While they do that Ishimaru finish rating.

Ishimaru: Alright. Ishiles is 5/10 since I don't hate but I don't like it either.

Alter Ego: Okay next.

Ishimaru: Last is Ishikuro. 7/10 simply because of the picture.

Alter Ego: Since that's it I should say goodbye.

Mondo: Bye, don't forget to ask questions.

Ishimaru: And give us dares that are welcome in a school environment!

The Four Dark Devas of Destruction: *hamster noises*

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