First Question!

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Fuyuhiko, what's your least favorite nickname?

Fuyuhiko: Babyface.

Alter Ego: Well that was quick.

Peko: Master doesn't like being called babyface.

Nagito: Does it bring you despair?

Hiyoko: Oh yeah, Babyface! Babyface! Babyface!

Fuyuhiko: Like your any better!

Nagito: Guys, don't fight, have hope!

Hiyoko: *ignores Nagito* Shut up Babyface!

Fuyuhiko: Brat!

Mikan: G-G-Guys please don't fight.

Hiyoko: Shut up Pig!

Mikan: Ahh!

Naegi: Why is everyone so mean to each other?

Kirigiri: I'm not sure. Maybe it's because they're-

Naegi: Kirigiri! You can't say that! That's a spoiler!

Togami: Why should we care?

Naegi: Because people get mad when they hear spoilers!

Nagito: And they might lose hope!

Togami: Why should I care that some peasants is mad at me?

Naegi: What if they get mad at Alter Ego?

Togami: That's not my problem.

Alter Ego: We should get back to the question.

Peko: Master answered it already.

Alter Ego: Then I guess we can end this chapter here. Everyone please ask us questions.

Chihiro: A-And give us dares!

Ibuki: Bye!!!!

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