Happy Holiday!

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Ibuki: Merry Christmas! 

Mahiru: Ibuki, we can't say merry Christmas.

Ibuki: Why not?

Neagi: Not everyone celebrates Christmas.

Ibuki: Then what do you want Ibuki to say?

Kirigiri: Happy Holiday.

Ibuki: Oh well. Happy Holiday!

Alter Ego: So what are we doing for the holidays?

Akane: Let's throw a party!

Twogami: Let's not.

Teruteru: Don't you remember what happened the last time we threw a party?

Aoi: Oh yeah.

Hajime: Wait, how do you now what happened to us Aoi?

Aoi: Ummmmmmm! Neagi they're on to us! What do I do???

Kirigiri: Not yell. "Neagi they're on to us!" And make it sound more suspicious.

Ibuki: Ibuki's confused. 

Aoi: Well, the truth is--


Togami: Why me?

Hagakure: I didn't know you were a mind reader!

Togami: Neither did I. *Gets hit by Neagi*

Akane: ....Sounds believable to me.

Ibuki: Ibuki agrees.

Everyone else: *Suspicious*

Aoi, Kirigiri, Togami, and Neagi: *Nervous sweating*

Alter Ego: Anyway, what are we going to do in this chapter if we aren't throwing a party?

Chiaki: Why don't we answer a few questions while we are here?

Hajime: That actually sounds like a good Idea.

Chiaki: Why do you sound so surprised?

Hajime: Wait!!! I didn't mean it like that!!

Nagito: Wow Hajime, you have no hope in Chiaki.

Hajime: Nagito! You aren't helping!

Alter Ego: ANYWAY, our first question/dare is from: Kristi_PolarFox

I have a question for Ishimaru. if there was a rule to break the rules would you do it?

Ishimaru: Hmm, yes. I'd break the rules by following the rules which still counts as breaking the rules because I'm following them.

Mondo: My brain hurts.

Alter Ego: I'm a robot and I barely understood that.

Ishimaru: Well it's because-

Leon: Please don't explain it you'll just make it worse.

Alter ego: Next question/dare is from: Kawaiiluxio19

I dare Chiaki to kiss anyone who wants to kiss her (like Hajime) ^w^

Hajime: *Blushes* I do not want to kiss Chiaki!!

Souda: Yeah suuurre. And I don't want to kiss Ms.Sonia.

Sonia: Oh, That's good to know.

Souda: Wait! Ms.Sonia it was sarcasm!

Alter Ego: Then who is going to kiss Chiaki?

Everyone: *Raises hand*

Ibuki: What if we use mistletoe?

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