First dare!

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This time a dare. I dare all of you to kiss the person you love the most. If  you like no one then the next person you see.

Alter Ego: I feel like something bad is going to happened.

Togami: Your telling me.

Fukawa: Byakuya-sama!!!

Togami: Oh no! *runs away*

Fukawa: Byakuya-sama come back!!

Souda: *smiles* Oh Miss Sonia!

Sonia: *already kissing Gundam*

Souda: *cries*

Alter Ego: It's okay Souda. You can kiss her next.

Souda: *still crying*

Fuyuhiko: *blushing* P-Peko.

Peko: *also blushing* M-Master.

Alter Ego: Awww!

Fuyuhiko: LEAVE!!!

Alter Ego: *giggles* Fine fine.

Mondo: B-Bro.

Ishimaru: B-Bro?

Mondo: *nodded* Bro.

Ishimaru: Bro! *kisses Mondo*

Alter Ego: I'm not going to ask.

Ibuki: Mr. Ham hands!

Twogami: I told you my name is t-

Ibuki: *kisses Twogami* Ibuki did it!

Twogami: *blushed*

Genocider Syo: HAHAHA! I caught you Byakuya-sama!! *kisses Togami*

Togami: Eww! That was horrible!

Genocider Syo: Don't act like you didn't love it Byakuya-sama!!!

Togami: Now I have to disinfect my mouth.

Akane: *blushed* O-Old man do you wanna, you know.

Nekomaru: Sure. *kisses Akane

Akane: *blushes*

Naegi: K-Kirigiri can we... You know.

Kirigiri: *grabs Naegi by his collar and kisses him.*

Naegi: *blushes*

Nagito: *writes on a piece of paper and kisses it.*

Alter Ego: Nagito, what are you doing?

Nagito: I'm kissing what I love most.

Alter Ego: I think it has to be a person.

Nagito: Oh. Hmmm. I don't love anyone.

Alter Ego: Then go over there.

Nagito: Okay.

Alter Ego: Togami you didn't kiss anyone yet.

Togami: Can I kiss my money?

Alter Ego: No.

Togami: *Sighs* Fine. *grabs Fukawa and kisses her.*

Fukawa: *passes out*

Alter Ego: I thought you didn't like Fukawa.

Togami: I don't but she is the only person on the list of things I can tolerate.

Mikan: J-Junko! May I kiss you?

Junko: Will it bring you despair?

Mikan: Yes.

Junko: Then yes.

Mikan: *smiles and kisses Junko*

Hajime: *looks at Chiaki* Chiaki can we... You know.

Chiaki: What do you mean Hajime?

Hajime: *blushes* N-Nothing.

Alter Ego: Now! Everyone who has not kissed anyone please close your eyes.

Everyone who hasn't kissed anyone: *closes eyes*

Alter Ego: Now I'm going to spin you in a circle and you have have to kiss the first person you see.

Chiaki: Why aren't you closing your eyes too? I mean the dare is for everyone.

Alter Ego: Fine. *closes eyes* Who is going to spin us now?

Sonia: I will! *spins everyone who has their eyes closed*

Sonia: Now, open your eyes!

Nagito: *saw Chihiro.* I guess I'm fine with this. *kisses Chihiro*

Chihiro: *blushes*

Hajime: *saw Maizono* W-Well let's just g-get this over with I-I guess.

Maizono: *Kisses Hajime*

Hajime: *Blushes*

Teruteru: *saw Souda* A kiss is a kiss. *Kisses Souda*

Souda: *horrified*

Chiaki: *saw Alter Ego* I guess we should get this over with. *kisses Alter Ego.

Alter Ego: *Blushes*

Chiaki: *falls asleep will kissing Alter Ego.*

Alter Ego: *can't breath* MMMMMM!!

Sonia: Well I'm going to end this here because Alter Ego seems to be busy right now.

Kirigiri: So ask questions.

Peko: A-And give us dares.

Mikan: Bye!!!!!!!!

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