Question #2

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Chiaki, what is your least favorite game.

Chiaki: *Snoring.*

Alter Ego: Chiaki you have a question.

Chiaki: Huh?

Alter Ego: You have a question.

Chiaki: Oh ummmm. I don't think I have a least favorite game but I'm not very good at dating sims.

Alter Ego: Well you can choose a dating sim.

Chiaki: Hmmm. I don't really like Hatoful Boyfriend.

Chihiro: What's that?

Chiaki: It's a dating sim where you have to date pigeons.... I think.

Souda: Pigeons!?

Chiaki: Yes, but in the end I think they--

Alter Ego: Chiaki!! That's a spoiler!

Chiaki: But the game  came of in 2011....I think.

Alter Ego: Not everyone plays the game exactly when it was released like you do.

Chiaki: Oh.

Alter Ego: I guess we should end this chapter her.

Peko: That one was rather short don't you think?

Alter Ego: Yeah but we just had one question for one person so it makes since.

Peko: I suppose.

Twogami: Anyway, do not forget to ask question.

Mukuro: And give us dares.

Chiaki: Bye.

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