Dare #3

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I dare everyone to buddy up randomly and hang out for a day. They must do whatever person A wants to do.

Alter Ego: This is going to be fun.

Mikan: I-I think so t-to.

Hiyoko: I just hope I'm not paired up with that pig.

Mikan: *starts crying*

Alter Ego: Okay I have already chosen the pairs. First pair is Hiyoko and Ibuki.

Ibuki: Ibuki is okay with that.

Alter Ego: next is Mahiru and Nagito.

Nagito: Sounds hopeful.

Alter Ego: Third pair is Chiaki and Twogami.

Chiaki: *snoring*

Alter Ego: Fourth pair is Hajime and Gundam.

Gundam: I guess I'm okay with that.

Alter Ego: Fifth is Sonia and Fukawa!

Fukawa: I wanted to be with Byakuya-sama!!

Alter ego: Sixth is Souda and Naegi!

Souda: *crying because he wanted to be with Sonia.*

Alter Ego: Seventh is Chihiro and Peko!

Peko: I hope this day is enjoyable.

Chihiro: M-Me too.

Alter Ego: Eighth pair is me and Mikan!

Mikan: I-I hope I don't mess anything up.

Alter Ego: Ninth is Kirigiri and Nekomaru!

Nekomaru: I NEED TO TAKE A *bleep*!

Alter Ego: To much information. Anyway tenth pair is Akane and Leon!

Akane: *eating*

Alter Ego: Eleventh pair is Ishimaru and Togami!

Ishimaru: This will be a great day Classmate!

Alter Ego: Twelfth is Maizono and Sakura!

Maizono: This is going to be fun!

Alter Ego: Thirteenth is Fuyuhiko and Aoi!

Aoi: Dounuts!

Alter Ego: Fourteenth pair is Mukuro and Yamada!

Yamada: *busy playing games*

Alter Ego: Fifteenth is Mondo and Teruteru.

Teruteru: This is going to be fun.

Alter Ego: Last is Celeste and Junko!

Junko: DESPAIR!!!!!

Alter Ego: I've also choose who is A and who is B. Ibuki, Nagito, Chiaki, Gundam, Sonia, Souda, Chihiro, Mikan, Nekomaru, Akane, Teruteru, Togami, Maizono, Aoi, Yamada and Celeste and A. Everyone else is B.

Mahiru, Mukuro, and Mondo: Nooo!

Alter Ego: What's wrong?

Mahiru, Mukuro, Mondo: I don't want him to be A!!

Alter Ego: Why not?

Mahiru, Mukuro, Mondo: He's creepy!

Alter Ego: Well you just have to deal with it.

Mahiru, Mukuro, Mondo: *stares at me angrily*

Alter Ego: Now everyone get in to your groups and person A ask person B what your going to do.

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