Dare #4

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I dare Hajime to give out free kisses to anyone who wants one.

Hajime: Okay I guess. Does anyone want a kiss?

Everyone: *quiet*

Alter Ego: I'll give you a kiss.

Fuyuhiko: Wait. Does Alter Ego have a crush on Hajime?

Alter Ego: No I'm a robot. Neko-chan just felt sorry for him.

Hajime: I don't need your pity!

Alter Ego: Well does anyone at least kinda want to kiss Hajime?

Chiaki, Mikan, Nagito, and Maizono: *raises hand*

Alter Ego: Maizono!? Your Leon and Neagi's love interest! Not Hajime!

Maizono: Yes but I kissed him once so why not kiss him again? Plus I thought no one was going to raise there hand so I wanted him to at least kiss one person.

Hajime: I don't need your guys pity!

Alter Ego: Sure you don't. Now does anyone want to go first

Chiaki: *fell asleep with her hand up* Oh. *puts hand down*

Mikan: I-I guess I'll go first. 

Alter Ego: Wait a minute. I thought you liked Junko not Hajime.

Mikan: I do! B-But H-Hajime is okay too.

Hajime: *Insulted*

Alter Ego: Go on! Kiss!

Hajime: *About to kiss Mikan's cheek*

MIkan: *moves her head and kisses him on the lips.

Hajime: *blushes*

Hiyoko: Ewww! How could you kiss big brother Hajime on the lip!?

Mikan: I-I'm sorry! P-Please forgive me!!!

Hiyoko: Like I'd forgive you.

Mikan: *Cries*

Alter Ego: Next is--

Maizono: Me!

Alter Ego: Why?

Maizono: Because the longer I wait the less I want to kiss him.

Hajime: I hate this.

Alter Ego: Okay. Now kiss!

Maizono: *grabs Hajime and kisses him* 

Hajime: *blushes*

Alter Ego: That was more forceful than I expected.

Hajime: Yeah.

Chiaki: I'm next.... I think.

Alter Ego: Yeah, you are.

Hajime: I-I guess we should hurry up and get this over with.

Chiaki: *Nodded and walked towards Hajime. Falls asleep in his arms.*

Hajime: *holds chiaki and kisses her cheek* T-There.

Alter Ego: AWWWWW!!

Hajime: *blushes*S-S-Shut up!

Alter Ego: Nagito your next.

Hajime: Nagito? Why did you raise your hand?

Nagito: Well I thought no one was going to raise there hand. So I thought it give you some hope.

Alter Ego: And for the fangirls.

Hajime: What fangirls?

Alter Ego: People ship you guys together. A lot.

Hajime: Why?

Alter Ego: Well there's lots of reasons. One is because Komaeda may or may not secretly like you.

Nagito: W-What?

Alter Ego: Two is because Hajime kept how he wanted to understand you and stuff like that.

Hajime: That doesn't make any sense! Just because I want to understand him doesn't mean I like him!!

Alter Ego: Yes but it is slightly suspicious don't you think?

Hajime and Nagito: *blushes*

Hajime: H-How do you know all this anyway? 

Alter Ego: I'm a computer I know everything.

Souda: Wait. Then what's zero divided by zero?

Alter Ego: Hmm imagine that you have zero cookies, and you split them evenly among zero friends. How many cookies does each person get? 

Souda: That doesn't make any sense.

Alter Ego: See? It doesn't make sense. Now Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies. And you are sad because you realised you have no friends.


Gundam: I believe you humans call that a burn.

Souda: S-Shut up!!

Alter Ego: Now lets get back to the kiss.

Hajime: F-Fine! *grabs Nagito by kisses him.* T-There.

Nagito: *Blushes* 

Alter Ego: You now you could have kissed his cheek right?

Hajime: *Blushes and faceplames.*

Alter Ego: I'm guessing that's a no.

Nagito: H-How about we end the chapter here?

Alter Ego: Sure. 

Neagi: Don't forget to ask questions.

Hajime: A-And give us dares.

Kirigiri: Bye.

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