Happy birthday Nagito!

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Alter Ego: It's Nagito Birthday! Let's sing to him!

Fuyuhiko: No.

Nagito: So much despair! It's horrible! Have hope!

Akane: Shut up before I beat you up again!

Nagito: Okay.

Alter Ego: Why are you so mean to him? It's his birthday.

Nekomaru: I guess we can try to be nice since it's his birthday.

Teruteru: I guess I can make him a cake.

Chiaki: *wakes up.* I already got him a present.

Mikan: S-So did I.

Hajime: You guys remembered?

Chiaki: You didn't?

Hajime: *blushes* no.

Nagito: I forgive you Hinata-kun.

Alter Ego: Did anyone else get him a present before he opens them?

Gundam: *blushes* I-I did. But I'm not sweet. I-I only did it because I remembered.

Alter Ego: Okay. Nagito open your presents.

Nagito: *Opens Chiaki's present* Chiaki how nice! You got me a Hope's peak Academy ring! I didn't think trash like me could get presents from a great ultimate like you!

Chiaki: Your welcome.

Nagito: *opens Mikan's present* That cool Mikan! It's a four leaf clover that says hope. Thank you!

Mikan: N-No problem.

Gundam: *hands Nagito his present.* Here.

Nagito: *opens Gundam's present* I-I.

Sonia: Aww it's a puppy!

Nagito: I love it! It's so cute! I'm going to name him Hope! *hugged dog*

Nagito: I love it! It's so cute! I'm going to name him Hope! *hugged dog*

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Gundam: I knew you liked dogs so.

Nagito: Thank you Gundam!

Gundam: No problem. Happy Birthday.

Alter Ego: I guess we should end this here.

Everyone except Nagito: Happy birthday Nagito!

Nagito: *pets Hope* Thank you guys!

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