Second Chances

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Author's Note: Trying to make this a little bigger. Enjoy.


I run down the street as fast as I can trying to get away from everybody, especially Griffin.

I turn the corner, and continue running. I stop for a minute, to catch my breath.

"Amanda." I hear, as he taps my shoulder. I start running again. I look behind me as I'm running to see a familiar face, Griffin.

He runs after me. By the time he catches up to me we've reached my house.

I run up the stairs, he follows. Before I can go inside, he grabs my waist & pulls me close. He then whispers in my ear "I'm sorry..".

I started to tear up as he said those words. "Shhhhhhh, don't cry." he tells me as he wipes away a tear of mine.

I hug him, and we hug tight. So tight that I feel protected. I rest my head on his chest. Both our heart's racing.

I then pull away from the hug and start to walk inside.. Something stops me though, and I don't know what it is.

Griffin walks towards me & I walk backwards. "I don't get why you're embarrassed to be seen with me" he says under his breath. It's because I'm the "popular" chick and your a .... nerd. I tell him.

"What will make you change your mind?" He asks. I look down. Next thing I know his lips are pressed against mine.

I put my hands on his cheeks, kissing back.

After I pull away, I can't help think why I kissed back... And why I enjoyed it. Do I really do like Griffin? This is ridiculous.

Look Griffin-, "Will you PLEASE come to Vegas with us, and help the little girl? We need you. Please?" He cuts me off.

So that's why you kissed me? Because you thought after I would agree to help you?

I thought you kissed me because you really liked me.. I guess I thought wrong.

I ran inside & slammed the door shut.

I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, and ran to hide under the sheets and cry.

All of the sudden I hear a noise at my window.

I go over to look at my window, and I see Griffin throwing pellets at my window trying to get my attention. I roll my eyes & walk back to my bed.

It starts to rain and I can't help but feel bad for Griffin. I walk to my window, open it up and let him climb through and enter my room.

Griffin starts talking. "Amanda, thank you. I'm so sorry again, I didn't mean to hurt you.. I really do like you, I've liked you for the past couple of years but I didn't know how to tell you. I know you probably don't like a geek like me since you're the second prettiest girl in school but-" I cut him off by kissing him.

I'm sorry too, and .... I do like you. I do have feelings for you. I want everyone to know that. I'm proud that I like you. I LIKE GRIFFIN BING! I yell.

"So would you give me another chance?" He asks me. Yes! I would! I will also help you with the little girl & her parrot. I hug him.

"Really!? Ahhhh!" Griffin picks me up as he said that.

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