You're the Sky That I Fell Through

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Callen's POV

"Tutaweza kuwa faini. Mimi ahadi." I stare into Kensi's eyes and she nods, slipping into unconciousness. The ambluance attendant looks at me. "What did you tell her?"

I look out the wondow as I say, "We'll be fine. I promise." He silently goes back to work and avoids asking me any further questions.

Because he knows the truth.

He knows that we won't be fine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kensi stirs next to me. "Hey Kens, what's up?" "Where am I?" "The ER, but don't worry, we can leave whenever you say." She jumps out of bed, already detatching wires from her arms.

We walk out of the hospital, knowing someone will sign us out. Besides, we're practically regulares there, so they know we'll be back.

As we get in the car Kensi asks, "Where's Deeks?" I look at her and see fear and knowledge in her eyes. I sigh. "You already know. Sam and Deeks were arrested."

"For what?!"

"That's what we need to find out."

We arrive at OPS and storm into Hetty's office. "What the hell is going on?" I demand. Hetty sets sown her tea cup. "Now, what are you referring too, Mr. Callen?"

I look at her incrediously. "Why were Sam and Deeks arrested?" "Ah, yes, well, isn't the better question why was Ms. Blye attacked?" "We'll get to that. Answer the question."

She looks me dead in the eye. "That has a lot to do with Ms. Samantha." "Ya, I know, but who is this girl? Why is she so important?"

Kensi and Hetty makes eye contact. Kensi nods. "What? What am I missing?" I ask sucspiciously. Kensi sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder as Hetty begins to speak.

"Mr. Deeks and Ms. Blye were part of an undercover operation. Samantha was in on it. She has valiable information that we needed and so she pretended to be Mr. Deek's sister in order to get you to believe her."

I stare at her shocked. "What? It was all a lie? Why me? Why did I need to beilieve her?"

"Because, Mr. Callen, the valiable information is about you."

"Well, what about me."

"About your past."

And then the world freezes. And there are a million things going through my head right now but only one thing really sicks out.

"Why does she know about my past?"

"Because she has the same past as you. And unlike you, she has been forced to bear the excruciating weight of remembering it all."

"So she went through the same things as me? How? Why?"

"We didn't lie about all of it. She is related to someone here at NCIS."

"Hetty. What are you saying?"

"She's saying that Samantha is your sister, Callen. Your sister. And she's got the information to help you remember where you came from. The only problem is, she's probably not gonna live long enough to help you out."

Those last words echo in my head. She's probably not gonna love long enough to help you out.

We'll see what I can do about that.

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