The Kids Are Not Alright

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Kensi's POV

"So is everyone excited to see me? Are they throwing a party? Please tell me there's a party. Ooooh, is there gonna be cake? I bet there's cake. Or ice cream. Or beer. Is there beer? Because I love beer. BUt who doesn't love beer? Maybe Hetty, considering she's a scotch drinker. She probably won't want us drinking on the job, either. But maybe since it's a special occasion she will. Or maybe the party's at night? Then we could drink. Has everyone missed me? Who missed me the most? Aside from you, of course. Will there be presents? I love presents. Presents are awesome. Will there be...." Deeks rambles on next to me as I clench my hands around the steering wheel and try to drown him out. He sounds like a 6 year old going to his birthday party. And it's really getting on my nerves. But it's his first day back, so I refrain from saying anything. I just nod my head and count down the minutes until we get to work.

"Kensi? Kensalinaaa?" I suddenly snap out of my mental clock in time to hear him say my name for what must be the 16th time. I feel a finger poke my cheek and look sharply to my side. Deeks is sitting there innocently with his puppy dog eyes he brings out whenever he's in trouble, looking at me with his finger pointed on his outstretched hand. He quickly draws it back, and I can't help but be grateful because I just might have snapped it off. "What did you just do? Did you just poke me while I'm DRIVING?" I say, trying to contain my anger but am unable and shout the last word.

Deeks looks shocked. "Woah, Kens, chill. I'm sorry. Geez, what's up with you?" I shake my head, blinking. "I don't know," I mumble to myself. But it's weird. I'm never this irritable. At least I don't think I am.

Something weird is definitely going on.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Callen's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I walk over to my desk, stale coffee in hand, and notice a package sitting on my desk. I look up at Sam who's trying unsuccesfully to hide a smile. "What the hell is this?" I ask, poking the red-wrapped box with my finger and then quickly drawing it back. "It's a box, G, it doesn't bite," Sam says, rolling his eyes. "If it's from you it might," I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Sam asks, silently laughing to himself. "Nothing," I answer too quickly, then change the subject. "So what is this?" I ask. "That, Einstein, would be a present," Sam answers. "I can see that. Why is it on my desk?" I ask pushing it with a pencil. "I would assume that's because it's for you," Sam answers in his voice he uses to talk to children.

Suddenly, a realization hits me. I turn sharply to look at him. He raises his eyebrows and shrugs his shoulders as I fume. "Sam, no, we've been over this. You aren't allowed to do this. Seriously? It's getting ridiculous!" He just looks at me innocently. "I'm not allowed to do what? That might not even be from me."

Just as I'm about to smack the smug smile off of his face Kensi and Deeks walk in. They look between the two of us and ust stand there. After about a minute, Deeks breaks the silence. "So I'm sensing a little hostility here, but I haven't seen you guys since I first woke up so I'm going to just ignore that and say it's great to see you again and share this awkward moment with you." I realize that he's right, this day is about him, and walk over to give him a bro hug. "It hasn't been the same without you," I say, pulling away to look at him. "Well, you look better, but you still look like shit. I guess that's normal though." I hear Kensi snort next to him as he beams in embarrasment. "Well I've missed you too," he says with false enthusiasm.

He nods at Sam. "Sam, come on, I know you've missed me," he says, smiling at him. Sam rolls his eyes. "I guess it has been a little too quiet around here. But I'm sure I'll miss it in a few hours," he says, pulling Deeks in and giving him a noogie.

"So what exactly happened that caused this tension?" Deeks asks, motioning to Sam and I as he wiggles out of Sams grasp. I roll my eyes as Kensi and Deeks sit down. "Sam bought me- he bought me- I don't know, it's just-" I say, trying to find the right words. "A what? He bought you a what?" Deeks asks, impatient as always. He' so eager I think he might start jumping up and down.

"A birthday present. I bought him a birthday present," Sam answers for me, shooting me a look. I glance to the side and see Kensi and Deeks staring at each other, the blood draining from their faces. "Wait, you have a birthday?" Kensi asks in disbelief. I turn my head to look at her, my eyebrows raised. She rolls her eyes. "You know what I mean," she answers.

"No, I don't have a birthday. At least, not that I know of. Every year, Sam chooses a random day and gives me a birthday present, even though I tell him not to," I say, glaring at Sam. "Aww, that's sweet," Kensi says, smiling at Sam. "Hey, no, it's not sweet. It's annoying," I say, glaring at her. "And besides, it's supposed to be Deeks' day, not ours. He's finally back," I say, gesturing to Deeks, trying to get the attention away from me.

Deeks smiles at me and I laugh. Sam turns around in his chair and pulls out yet another wrapped present. "I figured while I was getting Deeks a welcome back present I would get you a birthday present," he says, giving me a look. I just shrug and Deeks' eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. "Presents!" he almost yells as he grabs the package from Sam. He starts to open it but before he gets far Kensi is over there snatching the present away so fast I get confused. "Wh-how did you-never mind," I say, shaking my head.

"'Kensi, give it backkk," Deeks whines. "No Deeks, no presents until after work," she says strictly and I silently laugh, feeling Sam do the same. Deeks just pouts as Kensi puts the present under her desk.

I turn my head swiftly as I hear Eric blowing a party blower. I raise my eyebrows as Deeks cackles "Niiicee!" Eric grins, but I sense it's forced. "I thought it was appropriate," he says. We all trudge up to OPS, except Deeks who runs up the stairs two at a time. What a weirdo.

We pile into OPS and I freeze when I see what's on the screen. No way. This can't be happening.

On the  screen in a picture of out only lead. Our only chance of finding out who was after Deeks. Our only chance of finding out about my past.

And she's dead.

Katarina is dead.

 "Wh-what?" Deeks asks, his voice breaking as tears come to his eyes. Kensi touches his arm and Eric and Nell look over at me. This was it. This was my last chance to find out who I am. And it's gone.

"I'm so sorry you guys," Eric says as Nell shakes her head sadly. "She was being transported when the van was attacked by gunmen. She was shot 3 times, twice in the head and once in the heart."

It's over. All the countless interrogation hours, all the constant pain and watching Deeks deteriorate in front of our very eyes, all the wondering about what she could tell me. We had the same life, she just chose a different path than I did. I chose the path of good, she chose the path of she thought was right.

But the hardest part isn't what she's done to us. The hardest part isn't not knowing where I come from.

The hardest part is that she was just a kid.

~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~



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