Alpha, Beta, Gamma

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Kensi's POV

I just stare at him. Just...stare. I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I heard him die. I heard him take his last breath. I.....heard him break my heart. But here he his, right in front of me. And I just don't know what to feel. I want to be angry, but I look at his beautiful, scruffy face and I feel.....happy. Just.....happy.

He looks at me and I can tell he's scared he's scared what my reaction will be. He's keeping his distance, watching me expectantly, nervously. I just have one question. "Is this a dream?" I ask, my voice weak. He smies that goofy smile and my heart melts and I blink back tears.

"Well, I know I'm dreamy, but this is real. It's pretty hard to believe someone as beautiful as I would be real, but prepare to have your mind-" "Shut up," I say, quickly standing up and all but jumping into his arms. He puts his arms around me in surprise and I hold him tight.

I can feel my tears falling off my cheek onto the shoudler of his jacket. "Shh, Kens, I'm here. I'm ok, I'm ok," he whispers into my hair, kissing me on the cheek. I just cry into him, holding him as tight as I possibly can.

"I love you Kens," he whispers. I choke back a sob when I hear that.

"I love you too," I whisper. I pull my face back and kiss him and feel him kiss me back.

And I just stand there in his arms, holding tight.

Because I never want to let him go. Not again.

Not ever.


Callen's POV

I storm into the bullpen, ready to yell at Sam but all I see is an empty chair. "SAM!" I yell. "Oh, Sam just called in, asking for the day off," I hear a squeaky voice say behind me. I turn around and see Nell, leaning against the railing of the stairs with a smirk on her face.

"Well, did Hetty give him the day off?" I demand. She nods her head and I roll my eyes. Of course she did. I drop my bag on my desk and march over to Hetty's desk. "Oh Mr. Callen, let it go. Just let your partner enjoy the holidays," she says, without even looking up from the book she's reading.

"You don't even know what he did," I answer, gritting my teeth in frustration. "Oh, let me guess. He either: Didn't pick you up for work this morning, bought you a christmas present, or played some sort of prank on you. Which is it this year?" She asks, setting her book down and finally looking me in the eyes. "All three," I answer, shaking my head.

Hetty laughs. "Oh, well what was the prank?" "He egged my house, sent christmas carolers over, took all the beer from my fridge and hid it, and killed the spark plug in my car so I couldn't escape. The carolers stayed for three hours last night and I couldn't get away. I had to get a cab to work today," I say miserably.

"We've got a case," Nell says behind me, forcing me to turn around. "You're kidding me. I'm the only one here! How can I possibly work on this alone?" I ask, turning back to Hetty. She smiles. "What?" I ask, mystified. "You've learned that you can't do it all alone. You've learned that you need your team," she answers smugly.

I roll my eyes and walk towards OPS. I enter and Eric spins around in his chair. "What do we got?" I ask. "Oh, I already passed the case along to the FBI. They wanted it and Hetty said we didn't have the manpower," he says, his eyes still on his tablet.

I roll my eyes and head for the door. Suddenly, a loud alarm goes off and Nell and Eric turn towards their computers and start typing furiously.

"You got them?" Nell asks and Eric shakes his head. "Nope, you?" "Almost. I'm pinpointing where the sensors went off," she answers. "What's going on?" I ask, walking back towards them. They both look at me simultaneously. "We found them." Nell answers simply.

"Who? Who did you find?" I ask, the anticipation killing me.

Eric looks at me strangely, sadly. "Kensi, Kensi and.." he says, trailing off.

"Kensi and who? KENSI AND WHO?" I demand, getting frustrated.

"Deeks. Kensi and Deeks." Eric answers and they both look at me, sadness in their eyes.

"Deeks." I breath, and I know it can't be good.

"Are they together?" I ask. Nell nods her head and I lean against the table, head in my hand. Deeks knows he's dying. He's supposed to be off the radar.

"This is good, isn't it?" Nell asks, curious. I shake my head and Eric looks at me questioningly. "Deeks is sick," I answer and Nell gasps.

"What do you mean sick? It's not like.....cancer, is it?" She asks, tears in her eyes. I shake my head and she breathes out a sigh of relief. Eric puts his arm around her shoulders. "Then what?" he asks, looking at Nell who is looking at her hands, tears dripping down her face.

"He was exposed to radioactive decay. His major arteries, his lungs, and his heart are all deteriorating fast. His blood is also thinning, causing him to throw it up often. His heart will also occasionaly stop for short periods of time, but they're getting longer the longer he's sick. The first time it was 10 seconds, but it's gotten up to 30 seconds by now. He's sick and dying. That's why Kensi can't know he's alive. She'll be crushed when he actually dies, which will be in around 2 weeks if my calculations are correct," I explain. Nell looks at me, her eyes wide as a does, and Eric looks heartbroken.

"I'm sorry, guys. But Deeks isn't gonna make it," I say, and Nell suddenly brightens up. "But you said it was radioactive decay right?" she asks. I nod cautiously. "Where and when was he exposed?" she asks.

"We don't know where. But it was in LA. As for whe, it was the a night or two before he first showed symptoms, before he had the incident with Kensi in the gym," I say. Nell starts furiously typing on the computer and Eric and I share a look. "Nell, what are you thinking?" I ask. She doesn't anwer until a message pops up on her screen and she turns towards me smirking. "Well, if it was in LA, it must have been aither Beta or Alpha, since no Gamma radiation is found on the west coast. I checked which of the two have side-effects like the ones you're describing and found a match. Beta radiation decay."

"Ok, Nell, what's your point. I mean, good job, but why is that helpful?" I ask. Eric's eyes light up and just as Nell opens her mouth he cuts her off. "Because Beta decay is treatable. There's a special hospital just a couple miles away that treats many nuclear physcists for it. It's pricey, but it could potentially save Deeks' life," he says excitedly.

"So they can cure him?" I ask, not believing my ears. "Maybe. There's no way of knowing. If he's been sick for as long as you've said, that's quite some time, so it's unlikely, but they can try," Nell says. "Wait, how was Deeks exposed to it?" Eric asks.

"We don't know where or how. But we know someone did it intentionally. They might've put it in his food or injected him but they probably released it in the air in his apartment. It would've vaporized withing minutes, but that's just enough time for him to breathe it in. So no, no one else would have been affected. He was targeted," I say.

"Send me Deeks and Kensi's location," I say, walking out the door. I hear Eric and Nell high five and walk quickly to my car as I get the text. I'm speeding down the road the next minute with just one thought on my mind.

Saving my teammate. My friend.

Before it's too late.


So I figured I couldn't kill off Deeks, right? Don't worry, there are plenty of surprises on their way. I tried to make this chapter a little bit longer. Just let me know what you think!

Remember to give feedback! Comments, Votes, and even just Reads are appreciated! Thanks and I hope you enjoyed!

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