The One Thing

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Deeks' POV

It felt like the air went out of the room. Like the wind had been knocked out of me. Like... well, I don't know, like something like that.

She was sitting up, which was good, but that was about the only good thing. Her face was pale, like a vampires, and she had big, blue bags under her eyes, which were darting around frantically, and she wasn't smiling. I hate it when she doesn't smile.

She was still the most beautiful person on the planet though.

"Kensi," I gasped.

She turned sharply in my direction and let out a huge sigh of relief. "Deeks," she choked out. 'We'll leave you two alone," I heard Callen say, then he and Sam left the room. I slowly stood up from my wheelchair, pushing it to the side. I painfully walked over to her, but I could ignore it. It was worth it.

"Kens, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, for any of this to happen, I'm so-" I start to say, but she cuts me off. "I know," she says, nodding her head. "I know you're sorry. I also know you have no reason to be sorry, but it's not like you're going to listen to reason. Deeks, it was a wrong-place wrong-time thing."

"That's the thing, I don't think it was a wrong-place wrong-time thing. I think this was supposed to happen to us. Or at least me. The guy, the one who shot us, he said something to me before he shot me. I can't remember what it was, I've been trying to remember, but I just can't. It was just... weird," I say, looking at the floor.

"There was no way you could've seen this coming. It's not your fault. They could've been after me. Or maybe you jut don't remember correctly, or maybe...." she rambles on, trying to find an explanation. I look up into her eyes and she immediately becomes quieter, eventually becoming silent. "You saw this coming?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Yea. I did. I didn't take it seriously, I thought it was a joke... I got couple threats but nothing really rang any warning bells. It was just the basic "You will regret this" and "I know what you did" kind of thing. I didn't pay much attention to it. It was just a silly little threat, probaby from one of the guys or some LAPD cop that I pissed off. But now I know it's something bigger. And I'm sorry Kens. I'm so sorry," I say, putting my head in my hands.

"Deeks, stop apologizing. It's getting on my nerves. We've got to find out who did this to you and then end it. Ok?" She states firmly. "How?" I mutter into my hands, not being able to bear the idea of looking into her eyes. She grabs the sides of my face and forces me to look at her. "We'll do it together. But first, we've got to get out of this damn hospital," she says, unhooking her IV and pulling out some other weird wires and sitting up. "Whoa, whoa, no. You're staying in bed. You need to get better" I say, trying to get her to lay back down.

"No, Deeks, I'm fine. Don't be weird. You know I hate hospitals, you hate them too. Let's go, help me up," she says, giving me a strange look and extending her hand towards me so that I can pull her up. Instead, I back away from it. "No." I state firmly. She looks at me, annoyed, and sighs. "I guess I'll do it myself then," she says, and then struggles to get out of the bed. I see her knees go weak as she pushes herself into a standing position and rush over. I catch her and gently put her back on the bed.

"Ugh, Deeks, why won't you just help me? I'm trying to get you out of this situation. Come on, don't make me sit in a hospital for the rest of my life. I'm fine. Now let's go. I'm already starting to gag on the smell of latex gloves and hand sanitizer," she said, fake gagging. "Kens, don't be a drama queen. You won't be here for the rest of your life. At most it will be a couple of days. You need to give your back time to heal. So many old people have back problems, you don't want to be one of them. We'll go try to solve the case and you can relax. You'll have 24-hour security. It's important that you're safe," I say.

"Deeks, shut up. You're not you. Stop being overly emotional and help me get out of here,"' she says, glaring at me. "I'm not being overly emotional! I'm being reasonable. Someone out there is out to get me and the best way for them to do that is to hurt you! Don't you get it Kensi? I'm not trying to keep you away from the case, I'm trying to keep you away from me. You are the only person in this world that means anything to me! Why don't you get that? All I ever think about is you! I can't even help it!" I exclaim, hearing the emotion building up in my voice.

She looks at me, stunned, as I continue. "I almost quit this job. I almost quit and you had no idea. Being a detective, it meant nothing to me anymore after my torture. I didn't think I was making a difference. I was tired of going through it all and then getting hurt over and over again. I had it all thought through. And then you happened. For whatever reason, you popped into my head again. I had kissed you and you had run away. I was pissed and exhausted and just kind of done with you. But I had to stay. Because if I quit, who was going to be your partner? Would they protect you? Would they have your back? That's why I stayed. To protect you. I'm not good at many things. I suck at sports, my relationships never last, and I was a mediocre cop at best. Being your partner, that's the one thing that I'm good at. Because I care about it. Because I care about you. So I have to do this. I have to walk out that door right now and not come back until I've figured this out. You're the only person in the world who means something to me. So I'm gonna go save you. And I can't come back until I do," I say.

And with that, I turn on my heel and walk out, leaving her calling out my name behind me. But I can't turn around. No matter how badly I want to, I can't turn around.

I have to do this. For her.

Walking away from her.... It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. But I have to do it. She may not forgive me, she may hate me forever, but at least I'll know she's safe.

She has to be safe.

That's all that matters.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry it's taken so long for me to update! The inspiration has been very lacking since the season ended and I miss seeing the new episodes. I'm going to try to get better at updating, I know it's been bad lately, so we'll see.

Remember, give feedback! All comments are welcome, good and bad!

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