Cherry-Bombs Stain the Blackbirds Red

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Deeks' POV

"HETTY!" Callen yells as we walk into the office. He looks pissed. Hetty is calmly sitting at her desk, looking up from her cup of tea. "Well, Mr. Callen, we are inside of a building, there is no need yo yell. I'm not deaf."

"Who is this girl? Why does she know who I am because she's incredibly well-trained. I don't think I've ever met anyone who's as good as her. She made herself pass out at the exact moment she wanted too. WHO IS SHE?"

Hetty sips her tea, puts it down, and then takes a deep breath. Callen looks like he's about to explode. "She's currently an incredible undercover agent in the Russian mafia. She, like you, doesn't know where she comes from. Everything I told you about her past was true, except for of course, the things about you. She does however know where you come from. She becomes her ailiases. She thought she was Samantha while she was pretending to be her. Her real name is Catarina Shwargul, and she is a free agent. Everyone hires her, because no police ever suspect a young girl and no young girl can kill as well as she can. No adult can kill as well as she can. She's highly dangerous," Hetty says.

We all stare at her in shock. I'm the first to break the silence. "Ok, so if she thought she was Samantha, how does she know what to do, who to kill?" "She leaves herself reminders so that, when the time comes, she can remember who she is and complete her mission."

"But when we talked to her, she admitted things to us, something that no professional would admit, Callen says, finally snapping out of his daze. "She's in some sort of limbo. Her mind is trying to figure out what happened. The mind can only take so much, and a child's brain isn't even fully developed. She will snap out of it eventually, but we need to get to her while she's in this state of phsycological rawness," Hetty says.

We all stand there, trying to digest what we're hearing.

"WELL, GET GOING." Hetty says, shoeing us out of her office. We all run to the cars and speed towards the hospital. When we get there, we run up to room 518, but when we get there Samantha, or Catarina, is sitting straight up in her bed, looking at us expectantly. She smiles coyly.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She asks in a sickly sweet voice. I hear Kensi grit her teeth begind me and I step in front of her, preventing her from attacking this girl. She snickers quietly, knowing what I'm thinking, and I grin.

"Hello. What is your name again?" Callen asks, unable to fully hide the anger in his voice. "Oh, I'm Samantha. I'm your sister," she says slowly. "No, you see that's not what he meant," I say, circling over to one side of the bed while Sam walks to the other side, and interrogation technique we agreed on in the car.

She smile wider and before I know it I'm being held in a death grip, knife to my throat and my arm twisted behind my back, breaking. Catarina is on her feet, standing behind me and I drop to my knees as they go weak. Kensi pulls out her gn quickly and Sam and Callen do the same. "Let him go," Kensi commands.

"Awww, your girlfriends sticking up for you. How cute. Doesn't want to loose you, does she? She's just many things to's just so...complicated, right Kensi? Wasn't that the word you used to describe your relationship to dear Marty here?" Kensi flinches and Catarina continues. "Of all the words she could have said, she chose complicated. That burns, doesn't it Marty? A math problem is complicated. What you two have is much more than that. To you, at least. I don't know about Kensi here. She's just so hard to figure out. But you, I can read you like an open book. You're so in love with her and you've admitted it to yourself and to her, but she still hasn't said anything. Huh. Weird."

"You see Marty, you're an attractive guy. You could have almost anyone you wanted, and you're stuck on some weird 'agent' who's got some serious daddy issues and risks your life all the time. So I'm giving her a choice this time. In front of you. So you can finally get your answer." Kensi looks at her, confused and still angry, and Samantha drags the knife across half of my arm. I scream in pain and Kensi gasps. I feel the warm blood trickling down part of my body, but she hasn't hit anything important, so it'll take days for me to bleed out. But the pain is still there.

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