The Castle Home

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Kate Beckett-Castle awoke to sunlight streaming through the curtains and the sound of muffled giggles from behind her door. She heard her husbands futile attempts to shush their 6 year old daughter, before failing to hold back his own set of giggles. She smiled at her family's antics, and rubbed a hand over her growing belly, thinking about how within the next 3 months, her family would only be getting bigger. Her 2 baby boys would be here soon enough, and she couldn't wait to have them in her arms.
She was brought back to reality when she heard her door open, and felt her daughter immediately snuggled up against her side on her king sized bed.
"Good morning Mama!" Johanna Castle squealed, kissing her mothers cheek. "And good morning babies!" She added, placing a second kiss on her moms tummy.
Kate laughed, pulling her little girl closer to her.
"Good morning Jo, what's with all the giggles this morning?"
"Daddy and I have a secret, and we're not gonna tell you!" Johanna teased.
Kate sent a puzzled look in Castles direction, but before she could question him her stepdaughter burst into the room.
"Did you tell her yet? Did I miss it? Sorry I overslept, I was up late studying for exams and I-"
"Alexis, relax, they haven't told me anything yet. In fact, I was just about to start interrogating your father." Kate reasoned, starting to feel irritated about how it seemed like everyone knew what was going on except her.
"Oh," Alexis sighed with relief, "I was afraid I'd missed it." She ran a hand through the disheveled red mop on her head. "Well in that case, happy Mother's Day Kate."
"Before I tell you our little secret," Castle began, "let's have breakfast." He grabbed the tray of food off the nightstand and placed it on Kate's legs.
Kate inwardly cursed herself for not noticing the tray earlier. Stupid pregnancy brain. I'm a homicide detective, I should have notice a huge tray of breakfast! Glancing down at the tray, she realized just how hungry she was. Castle had served an entire breakfast buffet, with golden fluffy pancakes, hot crispy bacon, toast, fried eggs, and an assortment of fresh fruit. It smelled amazing.
"Wait!" Castle shouted. "Before you dig in, there's something else."
Castle ran out of the room, and reappeared seconds later, with a single coffee mug in his hands.
"Why didn't you just serve this with breakfast?" Kate asked, already suspicious.
"Detective, do you have so little faith in me, you don't trust a decision over a latte?" Castle whined, feigning insult.
Kate rolled her eyes, and peered over the rim of the mug, and noticed the shape of the foam in the latte. There was one large circle in the middle, and on the 10 and 2 positions, smaller circles.
Castle sat down beside Johanna and mock whispered "You wanna tell her?" To which Johanna nodded with such enthusiasm, it shook her thick brown curls. Kate glanced around the room eagerly, first looking at Castle, who had a smug smirk on his face, then at Alexis, who was grinning from ear to ear, and lastly at Johanna, who looked like she was about to burst.
        "Daddy says we're gonna go see the big mouses!" Johanna shouted.
        Kate stared at Castle,  still not sure what was going on. Then it clicked. The shape in the latte, her family's secrecy around her, it all made sense.
"Castle? Does she mean what I think she means?"
        Castle broke out an enormous smile.
        "The Castle Clan is going to Disneyland!" Castle shouted. "I've already cleared it with Captain Gates, she said after the crazy hours you've been working for these past 3 cases, you deserve a break. Oh, and I almost forgot, our flight leaves tomorrow morning at 7:00."
Kate's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe her husband managed to organize all this and keep it from her. He really had thought of everything.
She popped one last raspberry in her mouth before standing up.
"I guess we better get packing. C'mon Johanna, let's make Daddy help us find your suitcase."
"Yeah Jo?"
"Can I bring some of my princess dresses?"
Kate smiled, realizing just how perfect this trip will be.
"Of course you can."

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