One Week Later... Part One

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The Ryan Home

Ryan closed the front door while dragging a large suitcase behind him.
"Well, that's the last of the bags." He said.
"I just tucked Sarah Grace and Nicholas in, they were exhausted." Jenny said with a chuckle.
"Thank you for the amazing week Kev."
He walked over and sat on the couch beside his wife.
"It was pretty great, wasn't it? Sar really loved seeing the princesses." Ryan smiled.
Jenny smirked. "She wasn't the only Ryan fawning over the princesses. I think her dad might have a crush on Rapunzel."
Ryan blushed. "Did not."
Jenny rolled her eyes. "Oh please, when she asked you what your name was, you froze, then blurted out 'Castle!". You should have seen the look on Ricks face!"
"Okay, fine, maybe I was a little starstruck. But that was nothing compared to when Javi met Esmeralda. She kissed his cheek, and he was still smiling an hour later!" Ryan protested.
"Good point." Jenny said, while wiping away the tears she had from laughing so hard.
"Remember the day that Alexis got mistaken for Ariel?" Ryan laughed.
"Oh my gosh, I don't think I'll ever forget that." Jenny pulled up the picture on her phone, and she and her husband laughed for a minute and a half straight.
The picture showed Alexis, wearing a purple crop top, Aqua jeans, and had her fiery red hair down and curled. Standing beside her, was a young girl about 6 years old, who had exclaimed to her mom that "It's Ariel in her everyday clothes!"
        The couple smiled at the memory, before Kevin swiped to show the next picture.
        On the screen, was a picture of Sarah Grace, Abigail, and Johanna. Sarah Grace was dressed in a bright pink Sleeping Beauty dress, with a gold crown resting in her blonde hair. She was holding hands with Abigail, who had on a beautiful green Tiana dress, with her hair up in a bun. Her other hand was hanging onto Johanna, who was dressed up as Belle in a yellow dress, with her hair in an intricate half up-do. All three girls had looks of pure joy on their faces.
        Jenny let out a happy sigh, and shut her phone off.
        Ryan stood up and stretched.
        "I'm going to go tuck the kids in, then I'm going to bed. You coming too?" Ryan said through a yawn.
        "Right behind you." Jenny smiled, standing up.
        She gave her husband a quick peck on the lips before walking up the stairs.
        Ryan crept up the stairs, while reflecting on the past week.
        It really had been amazing, and he knew the kids would keep the memories forever. Spending a week away from work, with his team and his un-biological family, was wonderful.
He looked around, and realized that he had made it to Sarah Graces room. He strode over to her bed and stared down at his little girl. He noticed the Sleeping Beauty doll clutched tightly against her chest. He smiled at the memory.
It had only taken Sarah Grace about 15 seconds to decide what she wanted after entering the gift shop, and 7 of those were spent staring at it slack-jawed. A beautiful plush doll, with a soft pink dress and golden blonde hair.
Ryan snapped out of his flashback, and looked back at Sarah Grace and her doll. He bent down and kissed her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Princess." He whispered.
He tiptoed out of his daughters room, and went to tuck in Nicholas.
His youngest was fast asleep, with his tiny hand holding on to blue fur. Ryan recognized it as the stuffed Sulley from Monsters Inc. that Nicholas had chosen from the gift shop.
He quietly chuckled to himself, seeing how the blue monster was dangling off the edge of the bed. He bent down again to kiss Nicholas' forehead, before heading off to his own room.
He entered his room, and crawled into bed beside Jenny. He looked over at her, and saw that she was out like a light. He reached over and shut of the lamp on his nightstand, and stared up at the black ceiling. Letting out a content sigh, he closed his eyes with a smile.
"Goodnight Jenny. Good trip. Let's do it again next year."

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