The Airport

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        Jenny, Ryan, Sarah Grace, and Nicholas strolled into the airport. After going through the typical airport routine, with the only delay being Nicholas crying when security made him take off his light up sneakers, the Ryan's sat down and began to wait for their flight.
After 15 minutes of the family sitting in comfortable silence, Sarah Grace snapped her head up and jumped off her seat.
         "Hey Sar, you okay?"  Ryan asked.
        "Uncle Rick is here!" She screamed.
         "No sweetie, Uncle Rick is at home in bed." Jenny explained.
         "But Mommy! He's right over there, with Auntie Kate and JoJo!" Sarah Grace protested, sure that it was her uncle she saw.
         It was at that moment that Rick Castle walked over to the family of 4 with his wife and daughter. Ryan stood up and shook the mans hand. Kate walked up to Jenny and engulfed her in a big hug. Johanna ran up to Sarah Grace and both girls dissolved into giggles.
        "Wow, I didn't know you guys were going away! Where are you guys headed to?" Kate asked.
Jenny groaned and glared at her husband. Turning back to Kate, she said "I wish I knew. Kevin here has been bouncing around like a golden retriever hyped up on caffeine, but has been refusing to tell my why he woke me up at 3 in the morning. Where are you guys going?"
Kate chuckled, glancing at her coworker who was indeed bouncing on the balls of his feet like a hyperactive puppy. She opened her mouth to answer Jenny's question, when she heard a voice from behind her.
        Kate spun around to see her best friend standing a few feet in front of her. Jenny turned and looked to see what the commotion was.
        "Lanie? You're here too?" Jenny laughed. "Where are you guys going?" She asked once more.
        "I'm headed to Anaheim baby." Lanie sighed happily.
"Wow" Jenny sighed, "That sounds amazing. The sunshine, the palm trees, have fun you guys. So Kate, where are the Castles going?"
"Actually, we're going to California as well! We're actually spending a week at Disneyland!" Kate squealed, briefly showing a glimpse of her childish side.
"Oh my gosh!" Lanie exclaimed, eyes wide. "We're going to Disneyland too!"
Jenny smiled at her best friends, picturing her little nieces interacting with the princesses.
"Take lots of pictures you guys, I want to see how much fun the girls are having!" She said.
At that moment, Ryan, Castle, Esposito, and Alexis walked up, respectively carrying Johanna, Abigail, Sarah Grace, and Nicholas. Ryan put his hand on Jenny's shoulder.
"Actually Jenny," he began. "You won't need pictures. We're going too."
"And," Castle chimed in. "We're all going together."
"Got seats on the plane together, rooms beside each other, it's one big 12th precinct family vacation." Esposito finished.
"Happy Mother's Day you three." Alexis said while hugging them.
Kate, Lanie, and Jenny stood there slack-jawed. They couldn't believe their husbands had managed to organize something like this and keep it from them.
Jenny was the first to recover, walking over to her husband and hugging him. The medical examiner and homicide detective quickly followed suit.
"I hate to break up this moment, but we really need to figure out the seating arrangements for the plane." Alexis suggested.
Kate raised an eyebrow at her stepdaughter, wordlessly prompting her to elaborate. Understanding the message, Alexis explained.
"Well, like Espo said, we bought the plane tickets together. We've got 3 rows of 3 and one row of 2. We need to decide who's sitting with who."
"I want to sit with Auntie Kate and Auntie Jenny!" Abigail all but screamed.
Kate walked over to her and picked her up.
"Ok sweetie, you can sit with us." She said with a smile.
"Javi and I will take Johanna, we haven't seen out sweet niece in way too long!" Ryan suggested.
"Ok, if Kate and Jenny have got Abby, and Kevin and Javier are with Johanna, Castle and I can take Nicholas, then that will leave Alexis with Sarah Grace." Lanie decided.
Everyone nodded in agreement, then they heard the voice announcing that it's time for anyone with small children to board the plane.
The adults grabbed the hands of the kids they were sitting with, along with their carry-ons, and the extended 12th precinct family boarded their plane with huge smiles.

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