One Week Later... Part Three

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        Kate Beckett was laying in her king sized bed, reading her husbands latest book, High Heat.  She had just turned the page, when the previously mentioned mystery writer walked in. He bounded over to the bed, and laid down beside his wife. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
        "Whatcha got there, writer boy?" She asked, gesturing to the black and gold polka-dot wrapped package on his lap.
        He silently placed the package on her lap, signalling for her to open it. She got the message, and tore into the matte black paper. Once she had it opened, she saw it was a thick book. The cover was navy, with coral pink Mickey Mouse heads covering it. 
        When she pulled the cover open, she could feel the tears well up in her eyes. On the first page, she saw a picture of her huge, beautiful, sometimes crazy family. They all had Mickey Mouse hats on, and it was a completely candid shot. Kate remembered that day. It was their 3rd day in Disneyland, and they had Cinderella take a group picture for them.
        Alexis was on Ryan's back, both of them laughing hysterically. Castle was flexing his biceps with an goofy smile on his face, and Abigail and Sarah Grace were each hanging of one of his arms, gleeful smiles plastered on their faces. Jenny was crouched down beside Johanna, planting a kiss on her cheek. Esposito had Nicholas sitting on his shoulders, and Nick had his tiny hands clutching onto the ears on Espositos hat. Lanie was standing behind Kate, and had both of her hands resting on Kate's swollen belly. They were both laughing at something one of them had said. The one thing in common with everyone in the picture, was that they all looked incredibly happy.
        Kate wiped a stray tear away and looked at her husband.
        "Rick, this is beautiful." She whispered
        Castle used the arm he had around her shoulder to pull her close, then kissed the top of her head.
        "We'll look at a few more, then go to bed. This book will still be here in the morning." Castle suggested.
        Kate just looked at him and smiled while turning the page.
        The next page had a picture that Castle had taken on their fourth day. It was back at the hotel, and Alexis, Johanna, Sarah Grace, Nicholas, and Abigail were all laying on one of the beds, staring at a laptop. That was the day that Martha decided to video chat them, flaming that she "couldn't go a week without seeing her grandchildren!" Sarah Grace, Nicholas, and Abigail adored Martha, and their smiles always doubled in size when Martha referred to them as her grandchildren.
The picture after that made Kate roll her eyes. The picture was of Ryan carrying Kate bridal style, and Kate had tear tracks down her face. That was from their 2nd day, and Kate had started crying because her feet hurt. Ryan, her saving grace, had awkwardly picked her up, trying to maneuver around her huge belly. Unfortunately Castle wasn't there, because he had gone to get a churro.
"My stupid hormones were all over the place that day. I'm going to kill Javi for taking that." She thought with a chuckle.
Kate closed the book and set it on her nightstand.
"You know, that was our last family vacation before the boys come." She said.
"Yeah, and it was pretty amazing. I can't wait for the next one, when we have our baby boys with us." Castle smiled.
"Goodnight, Castle. I love you."
"Goodnight Beckett. Oh, before you go to sleep..."
"I better get something awesome for Fathers Day"

The End

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