Some people ask why I don't vote
Why I never registered
I often don't feel like
There is a good choice at all
Like it's all a lie
A game for their gain
For their own greed
At our demise
At our expense
Maybe I feel
People put to much trust
In the people at the top
And they don't take
Their life
And this country
Into their own hands
We import this
Rarely export that
They want the government
To take care of them
Not work
Or not work hard
Not educate the mind
Not stimulate intelligently
Not question
What should be questioned
Willingly so
Practical skills
For the average person
Here in the states
Is about as common as common sense
Seems to be
The lack of care
The lack of effort
Willingly the sheep
And walked all over
Agreeing and believing
So many things
That bring sorrow to my soul
Some people at the top
Would eliminate the middle class
Have the richest of the rich
And the poorest of the poor
We would be
A third world country
In the worst sense of the term
Hovering over us
Surprising us
They would have us
Living in poverty
Going out of their way
To make sure
We suffer in great pain
Maybe this is extreme
But even warfare
Is for power and greed
A bloodlust
A coin
Whatever it may be
I feel more of us
Should take
Our lives
Back into our own hands
From growing food
And trading with your neighbors
To creating
Your own items
Setting up small business
Local farmers markets to a flourish
I wonder if
We boosted our own local economies
Spotting all over
If it would have a contagious effect
And suddenly the lines of living
And trade
And quality
Would improve and blend
Suddenly making the U.S.
Growingly sustainable
Everyone is entitled
To their own opinions
Maybe you agree with mine
Maybe you think it's gobbly gook
And that is okay
I know organics
Sustainable living
Natural medicine
And homesteading
And such things
Are coming back around
But it's not as wide spread
As I'd like it to be
And the US still tends to disappoint me
And there are
So many
Contradicting things
Outweighing some of the good
I find it hard
At times
To support this country at all
Let alone be 'patriotic'
I've more than considered
Changing my country of residence
On a very
Permanent level