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'Wait! I have something!' I almost screamed of excitement as i finished writing the sentence on the paper.

I placed my fingers on the strings and started playing.

'Carry on, outlast the ignorance
Moving on, survive the innocence' i sang, the words completely suiting the beautiful melody.

'Won't be long, won't be long, won't be long
You know it's gonna get better' Ashton added on to it.

Following by a long silence, but me breaking it.

'Oh my god, this is perfect. Did i just wrote a song with you?' I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

'Without you i would already threw every piece of paper out of this notebook, this song is actually really good and meaningful.' He smiled at me, my brown eyes completely brighten as he said it.

'I really want to show the guys that i wrote this with you!' I was really excited.

'Let's go then.' he said, standing up and grabbing his stuff.


'HAH, IN YOUR FACE LUKE.' Michael shouted.

'You bastard.' I chuckled.

Before i could actually stand up to get some food, i felt some hands tugging at the back of my shirt. Turning around and seeing Maggie all happy made me smile. In the corner of my eyes I saw Michael standing up and walking to the kitchen.


'Luke! Guess what we did?' She said really excited.

'What?' I mocked her excitement.

'I wrote a song with Ashton!' She smiled.

'That's awesome! Let me hear it!'

Without answering she ran to the hallway and not much later she came back with Ashton's guitar. She walked to the couch and sat down, turning around and looked at me. 'Come here and sit down.' she patted to the spot next to her, i walked to the couch and sat on the exact spot. 'It's called carry on, i wrote it with Ashton!', 'Wait.' I quickly stopped her, 'CALUM! MICHAEL! ASHTON! COME HERE!' I yelled, making Maggie flinch back. I heard someone running down the stairs and Michael and Calum coming out of the kitchen.

'Come and sit down children.' I laughed.

They all walked towards us and sat down.

'Maggie wrote a song, with Ashton.' I glanced at Ashton, 'She's really excited about it, so you guys better like it.' I said in a fake-rude tone making them laugh.

'You can start now.' I said to Maggie making her nod and she started to play a melody.

'Carry on, let the good times roll
Sail along, let your path unfold
It won't be long, won't be long, won't be long
You know it's gonna get better, you know it's gonna get better
Say a prayer for the broken bones
Cause who cares? We're all going home
And it won't be long, won't be long, won't be long
You know it's gonna get better, you know it's gonna get better

I got one foot in the golden life, one foot in the gutter
So close to the other side, so far from the wonder
I got one foot in the golden life, one foot in the gutter
So sick of the tug of war, that keeps pulling me under

Let the good times roll
Let the good times roll

Carry on, outlast the ignorance
Moving on, survive the innocence
Won't be long, won't be long, won't be long
You know it's gonna get better'

It was absolutely beautiful.

[a/n : THANK YOU GUYS FOR FUCKING 1.1k READS! I know that it's not that much but it actually means so damn much to me! You have no idea! Please don't forget to vote on my recent chaps and this one <3 and comment too :) I love you guyss x M]

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