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I walked through the hall of Japan's International Airport as I heard thousands of screaming voices coming closer to us as we walked. Once the view of the main hall reached my eyes thousands of screaming fans were right there. Behind barricades luckily, I thanked god for the barricades because if they weren't there we would be mobbed by now. 

"God." I mumbled to myself. The boys walked to the fans and began taking pictures while Dave looked around to make sure everything ran smooth and safe. I just awkwardly walked beside Luke holding my bag in one hand and my phone it the other. 

"Maggie! Maggie! Can I please get a picture?" someone yelled behind me. I looked around seeing 4 girls with 5sos t-shirts raising their hand. Each of the t-shirt had each of the boys names on it. 

"A picture with me?" I asked confusingly. Why would they want a picture, with me?

"Yes! Pleaseee?" she asked, I just walked there taking the phone the girl was handing me snapping some pictures. I took one phone after another. After taking pictures with a bunch of fans Dave told us we had to go. 


We stood here waiting on for our lift to the hotel. I was changing my sim card to a Japanese one because I needed to text my friends and check my socials.

We were at the private pick up at the airport right now. It was around 11PM right now and dark, every neon sign was lit up. It was so cool and beautiful. They even had fucking dancing robots at the airport when we got out. I was happy that the fans were incredibly nice to us and especially to me. I felt lightly flattered that they would want a picture with me. My head turned to Michael when I heard him yell.

"I AM SO PUMPED FOR THIS GUYS FUC-" Michael got cut off by Ashton. "Don't swear Clifford."

"STILL, I AM SO BEEPING EXCITED." He cheered, tapping his hands on his carryon. 

"We know you are." Calum responded giving him a playful push. 

Our flight was comfortable. It was less scary than I expected it to be. Since it was my first flying I assumed the worst immediately but I shouldn't have. The whole time difference thing was something I had to get used to. After clicking the sim card tray back I looked up again and saw a black van stopping right in front of us. The driver hopped out and began putting our baggage in the back of the car. Out of the passenger side of the car someone got out. It was a man, looked in his mid twenties. 

"Matt!" Ash greeted him. The boys all gave him a hand, and Michael gave him a tight hug. I was just standing here watching them exchange their hello's. Ashton looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Maggie this is our manager, Matt."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled, he shot me a smile back before saying. "Nice to meet you too Maggie. I'm glad you're joining this tour!"

"We are too." Ashton patted my back. "Let's go guys I'm tired." Calum whined before stepping into the car.


This hotel was huge. The chairs were fancy and comfy and me and Luke were now sitting on this sofa in the Lobby together with Mikey and Cal as Ashton and Matt were checking in.

"Was the last tour also like this because god this is a dream." I said, so fascinated by the chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling. 

"Well the last tour was mostly just a tourbus. Hotels are boring compared to them but I guess it's cool." Luke explained. "We will be touring with a bus in a bit since the next stop is also in Japan."

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