Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicted to GiveEmHell for leaving comments on almost every chapter and for making me a BEAUTIFUL picture of Grey on the side. Thank you so much! - sorry for dedicating probably the worst chapter ever to you - 

 “No, stop,” I whined as a stranger had his arm wrapped around my wrist.

“Come on, baby,” he said flirtatiously into my ear. I turned around, stumbled, giggled, and then slapped his chest.

“No!” I screeched and then laughed, throwing my head back as I tripped behind me and landed into the arms of someone else. “Ugh, everyone's touching me! Get off!” I was very angry.

“Violet, stay here,” a familiar voice demanded gruffly into my ear. I stayed back and watched him get up in the other boy's face. He said something, but it was low and harsh, I didn't hear it. I instead sipped on my beer (okay, chugged) and watch him beat the living hell out of him.

“I'm bored,” I muttered and began to turn around when the boy with the familiar voice stepped in front of me.

He looked so...Grey! It was Grey! I wanted to cry. “Grey, oh Grey! I missed you!” I exclaimed, and lazily wrapped my arms around his neck. “Where have you been?!”

Grey slowly detached me from him. “I'm getting you out of here,” he said and began pulling me down the steps.

“No, I don't want to go. I want to stay here with my friends.” I gestured to people I didn't know. He kept tugging me and it hurt me. “You're hurting me!”

He suddenly turned around, his eyes angry and wild. “Violet Elizabeth Miller. You are getting in the car with me and that's final. I'm taking you to Ivy's. I'm not letting you get any more wasted that you already are,” he said and kept walking.

I shrugged. “Okay...meanie,” I muttered. We walked out into the dark and I hiccuped. Grey took the bottle from my hand and threw it onto the ground, the glass breaking apart. “Hey!”

Without a word he shoved me into the passenger side of his truck. When he got into the driver's side, he pulled out of the party, furious. “I'd been looking for you all night.”

Sighing, I slumped down in my seat. “I don't feel safe driving with you,” I admitted. He glanced at me, his cheeks flushing, and then kept his eyes on the road.

“Why?” he asked.

Without a blink or even a single thought I said, “because you wrecked and killed my brother. It should have been you, Grey. It should have been you.”

Taking his eyes off the road he stared at me, his eyes wide and his mouth in a tight line as if everything he ever wanted to say just stayed put behind his teeth. It was quiet for a while, and after he'd glanced at the road a few times, he whispered, “you don't mean that.”

I pursed my lips and nodded. Then I laughed. “Yeah, I do! I wish it was you! You're an awful person. I hate you.”

He must have been trying to ignore it because he looked out the window, tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, and shook his leg. “You know what, fine? I'll make it be me,” he simply said.

I sat up. “What do you mean?”

Grey grunted as he turned the wheel sharply to the left. I fell and hit my hip against the console as my head snapped forward. A car beeped, tires screeched, someone had screamed, and then it was over.

Everything was pure white. I was dressed in white with bright red lips and long, long blonde hair. I was barefoot, holding something wrapped in a white blanket. I was seeing myself from somewhere else. Suddenly Grey appeared, dressed in white, also. I smiled at him, he smiled back.

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