Chapter Twenty

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    The next morning, I woke up a bit more awake than I did yesterday and I didn't feel as tired and as ill. It was probably down to the relaxed evening and early night.

   It wasn't as early as I would have hoped since sleeping on the spot had never been easy for me, but when my mind was bugging me and I kept having to relive my time with Zach and repetitively asked myself questions about whether he would ever talk to me again or whether he actually did feel something, it was much harder for me to fall asleep.

    I wanted to speak the Zach but I knew he would be busy with touring and probably everything else, that he wouldn't get back to me. 

    The thing was, it wasn't just his priorities that scared me, it was the fact that he was a different person in a different country in a different dimension. Our paths were not supposed to cross but they did and maybe that affected me more than him because even though I didn't want him in my head all day, he had been. 

    Zach was everything I wanted to hold onto and a thick lump would merge, in the back of my throat, every time I dared to let myself get carried away with all the possibilities. I guess I would be lying if I said that I didn't think anything else would happen, but just like every other imagine and dream I've ever had, it would greet me afterwards with a huge punch of reality. But something was real with Zach and I didn't feel like giving that up.

    - - -

    I entered college and met Luce, who was chatting to her friend, Matthew. She waved at me and Matthew said a brief 'hi', but nothing went on from then.

    Matthew and Lucy hadn't known each other for that long a time, it was more of a two or three year friendship, but there was no denying that they looked as if they'd known each other their whole lives. The amount of similarities they both shared and they would always bring up these weird jokes they would think of and it made me laugh, but would always be their little thing.

    I thought he was a nice guy but I wasn't very comfortable at making friends so whenever Lucy stopped to chat with him, she'd tell me to keep walking because she was fully aware of the strange anxiety I had.

    "I'll see you in class." I smiled at her and she nodded enthusiastically. 

    I walked through the other students and towards the bathrooms, but I was stopped when a guy stood in my way and stared for a couple of seconds.

    "Hey, do you know where the music block is?" He asked.

    The boy had dark browny black curly hair, which was fluffed on the top of his head and there was some at the side but it wasn't as long. He had brown eyes with hints of green and he had two dimples. If I stared until my vision blurred only slightly, I would see his resemblance to Heath Ledger... it was pretty insane how alike they looked.

    "Yeah, it's just down the corridor." I said turning my head in the direction. 

    I noticed the masses of students and the majority of their faces I didn't recognise. Well I didn't recognise any of them.

    "Okay, thank you. This is all a little too confusing." He laughed and I just offered him a friendly smile before shifting to get to the bathroom door.

   "Rainey!" Kassie called over. "Could you take these to the class, I have to get the others and there's no one else that knows where to go! It's all a bit jumbled!"

    Kassie was another one of my tutors and she was supposedly the 'leader' of all the tutors but that's what she liked to think. 

    "Okay." I said, grabbing the pile of folders.

    They were heavy and piled up in my arms. Around eight of them.

    I peered over the top to ask her if it was the normal room but she had disappeared and was not in sight. 

    "Need a hand?" The guy spoke again, still in the same stance.

    "If that's not a problem." I said, with my arms shaking.

    He took most of them off me and left me with three.

    "Where to?" He asked and I stood ahead of him and he began to follow behind.

    "This should be quick." I said.

    I turned my head to see him and I hadn't actually realised how tall he was. I knew he was taller than me but I hadn't actually acknowledged that he was around six foot tall! And me being five three or four, that was very annoying.

    "You do art then?" He asked, catching up to me with his long strides.

    "Yep." I said.

    "That's cool." He smiled.

    "What about you?" 

    "Music." He paused. "Not here though... but because of that class exchange shit, our music class has been based here for now."

    "That's why you were lost."

    "Yes, that's why I was lost." He repeated. "I'm Isaac Davids."


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