Saved By The Bell

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Chapter two - Saved by the bell

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Chapter two - Saved by the bell

October 10, 2001 (9:22pm - Later that evening)

"It's done." Justin stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed the finished entertainment system.

"Perfect." Beyoncé entered the living room, carefully taking a seat on the sofa. Her ass was still burning from the rough sex they had less than a half hour ago.

"So..." He looked back at her. "What do I get for hooking up this thing?"

"Really?" He fully turned to face her. "Are you seriously asking me that? AND especially after what just happened." She rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her juice. His eyes landed on the cup of punch, feeling his mouth water.

"Well where's my juice?"

"In the kitchen. You're not handicapped. Make your own."

"Or..." He approached her. "I can just take yours." She watched him grab the glass of juice from her hand, gulping down a portion of it. "Ahhh. Now that's some good juice." She sat there with this unbelievable look on her face. The nerve of him.

"I think it's time for you to go home now." She stood up, immediately feeling her ass hole pound again. "Shit." He watched her walk towards the stairs but abnormally. Unsuspectingly, she heard a burst of laughter.

"Dayum! Dayummm." He repeated, taking another sip of her juice. "You walking like something STUCK up your ass." She quickly turned, approaching him with a stern look on her face. He quickly jerked back when he watched her raise her hand at him.

"Get out of my house, Justin. You wore your welcome out, white boy." She snatched her juice from him, spilling some of it to the floor in the process. "Good night." He grabbed his keys on his way to the front door. He wasn't really looking forward to meeting back up with his NOSY mother.

"Night!" He shouted before departing the house. On his way down the street, his eyes gazed in on a woman kneeling over in her grassy yard to pick up something. He had to take a second look when he noticed the really short SHORTS she was wearing. It was his thirty year old neighbor. Even though he was at least ten years younger, he still thought this woman was hot. And he always thought she was purposely trying to seek attention. "Hey, Miss Hamilton!" He shouted with a wave. She looked up, a smile instantly forming across her lips.

"Hey there, Justin! Will you come over here for a second?" He immediately approached her, checking the road for any cars before crossing the street. "How are you, Justin?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Hanging in there." She answered, resting her hand on her hip. Oh Miss Hamilton. The hottest thirty year old he'd ever seen. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Well I was just about to go back inside. My mom's here. She made dinner so I was gonna...grub out." She nodded interestingly, her eyes quickly scanning his figure. She automatically landed on the imprint in his jeans. Seeing this made her heart flutter. Was he excited to see her too or just plain gifted?

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