Make Me Wanna Scream

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Chapter six - Make Me Wanna Scream

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Chapter six - Make Me Wanna Scream

December 24, 2001 (Thirty-two days later - Christmas Eve)

Justin, his two friends, Trace and JC decided to hit up a club the day before Christmas. He stood at the bar ordering a glass of tequila. As he stood there waiting for his drink, he decided to scan the bodies in the room. There were a lot of attractive women out tonight. Most of them with who he assumed, their boyfriends. He was in a serious relationship once. With his ex-girlfriend, Britney Spears. But since that didn't work, he wasn't rushing into another one. Being by himself wasn't so bad.

There were times he would start thinking about Beyoncé though. He didn't think it was something serious. He just thought it was his hormones. He was very hormonal and that was all he could think about.

"Hey, can I get a tequila on the rocks." He looked away to stare at a brunette taking a seat two chairs away from him. She looked away, immediately meeting his gaze. "Hi." She greeted, flashing him a smile. He had to take a double look. Was this Miss Hamilton? Looking younger than before and very sexy.

"Miss Hamilton?" She squinted her eyes to get a better look as well. When she recognized him, she leaped out of her chair and embraced him in a hug.

"Justinnnn." He hesitantly rested his hands on her back. Her body was pressed up against his. He knew what she was doing. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just..." She pulled back to stare at him. "I was having some fun. What are you doing here?" She bit her lip teasingly.

"Just having some fun."

"Here's your drink." The bar tender slid two glasses of alcohol in front of them.

"You here with someone?" He asked, grabbing his glass of tequila and taking a sip of it.

"Just my girlfriends. You wanna meet them?" She grabbed her alcohol with one hand and used her other hand to hold onto his arm. This woman was already behaving like they were a couple. "Come on. I'll introduce you. They're dying to meet you any way." He walked with her further inside the club. "There they are." She pointed to three women sitting at a table talking. "Hey chicas. Guess who's here?" They all looked away to stare at him, their expressions different now. He was very familiar with these looks. His fans would always look at him like this right before they tried mobbing him.

"Uhh hey." He was the first to speak.

"Oh wow." The blond stood up, approaching him. "Justin Timberlake? This can't be." She stood in front of him, her hand trailing down his chest. "You are just handsome." He observed the three women carefully. Two of them looked a bit older than Miss Hamilton and the other one who remained seated looked around his age.

"Well aren't you gonna introduce us?" The blond standing in front of him spoke up.

"Sure. Justin, this is Cordette. The other two over there is Harmony and Jasmine. Harmony is the on the left and Jaz is on the right." He met eyes with the woman on the right, flashing her a smile. She was the prettiest of them all to him.

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