Me & You

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Chapter fifteen - Me & You

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Chapter fifteen - Me & You

March 3, 2002 (Seventeen days later)

"You've heard?" Justin stepped out back on the patio in a pair of swim trunks with a towel around his shoulders, talking on the phone. "Yeah. I quit the group. Well, I've been working on a solo album in my spare time. I want it to come out around the ending of this year. I'm hoping for it to happen. I haven't gotten any sleep for the past few days. Working in the studio nonstop." He tossed his towel on the patio chair. "Yeah. Well, listen...I'm gonna call you back. I'm taking my midnight swim. Ahaha. Just started. Another form of exercising. You should try it. Ha-ha. Yeah. All right. Good night." He ended the call, sitting the phone on the chair and approaching the pool.

He dived inn on the deep end, swimming towards the shallow end. As soon as he emerged out of the water, his gazed focused in on a pair of legs standing at the three feet. His eyes slowly trailed up the figure, meeting eyes with the familiar person. "Hey, neighbor."

"Uhhh hey." He stepped out of the pool, his body dripping wet. Her eyes immediately landed on his swim trunks, a faint chuckle escaping her lips. "What can I do for you, Miss Hamilton?"

"Well I...I saw your lights on."

"And?" She took a step closer to him.

"And I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. We haven't spoken in weeks. Are you avoiding me?" He looked away, laughing faintly.

"Why would I be avoiding you? I've been busy."

"With what? Beyoncé?" She bit the bottom of her lips as she started to have sexual thoughts. He looked so hot in those swim trunks, she thought.

"I'm a busy man. I haven't been home these past few weeks. Busy doing some things."

"Like what? I'm interested." He peered in her eyes, a smirk forming across his lips. This woman just wouldn't stop. She was very persistent and he knew what she wanted from him.

"What do you want, Miss Hamilton?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "You and your friend doesn't know when to take a hint, do you? You don't think if I wanted to fuck you, I would've done it by now?"

" you're saying you don't wanna fuck me?"

"That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. You understand now?" She shook her head no.

"I don't because I know there's nothing wrong with me. The way you look at me tells me otherwise."

"Hmm." He rested his hands on his hips, never breaking her gaze. She stood there with a teasing smirk on her face. Maybe she thought she would get what she want after all? "How did you get in here any way?"

"Through your bedroom window. You always leave it open for Bee, right?" His eyebrows raised interestingly. "I see it, you know. Her climbing in your bedroom window late at night. I wonder why is that. I know she can't be doing that just to talk. You've been fucking her."

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