I Hate To Love You

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Chapter eighteen - I Hate To Love You

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Chapter eighteen - I Hate To Love You

Three weeks later - July 2, 2002

"Oh my godddd." Justin rolled over, laying back on the bed, panting heavily. Vanessa, who he had been fucking remained next to him, grinning from ear to ear. "That was amazing." He looked away to stare at her. "You just seem to surprise me every time."

"I get that a lot." He teased, propping himself on his side to face her.

"I feel so good now."

"Well you should. How many did you catch?" She laughed faintly, meeting his gaze.

"I lost track." She rolled over on her side to face him. "I was wondering..." She bit her lip, hesitant to continue. "You wanna go out sometimes? Nothing special. Maybe out to dinner or just somewhere fun." He broke her gaze, thoughts wandering his mind. He wasn't interested in dating anyone unless it was Beyoncé. He thought she got the hint that they were just fuck partners and nothing more.

"We shouldn't." She reached out, running her fingers through his hair.

"Okay. I guess it isn't a good time?" He met her gaze, gradually leaning in to kiss her.

"I think I wanna go again." She chuckled softly, falling back against the soft pillows.

An hour later (3:10am)

Beyoncé sat on the sofa in the living room watching television. For some reason, she couldn't go to sleep. It was almost four in the morning and so much was on her mind. One was Trace, Justin's friend. Something bad happened. Something she wished she could take back.

She kept having flashbacks of that day. Two nights ago when Trace showed up at her house. Was she a whore for sleeping with someone she hardly knew? Justin wouldn't be pleased when he found out. Then again, how was it any of his business?

This guy was his best friend. How could she have caved in the way that she did? And Trace out of all people? Why would she have sex with Justin's best friend?

She knew why. She was vulnerable. She hadn't slept with anyone in months and then Trace shows up confessing about the Valentine's Day gift. She didn't know what came over her. She should've fought it. The urges. And the more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt.

The doorbell woke her out of her thoughts. She quickly looked up at the front door in questioning. Who was it? The only person she could think of was Justin.

She stood up, ambling towards the door. She decided to peer out of the peep hole to see who it was before unlocking it. Justin watched the open, revealing the familiar woman. She stood there in a pair of shorts and spaghetti strap t-shirt. "Hey." He was the first to speak. "I saw your light on. I didn't interrupt anything..." She shook her head no.

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