Recipe For Disaster

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Chapter nine - Recipe For Disaster

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Chapter nine - Recipe For Disaster

January 1, 2002 (That same day - New Years)

Beyoncé and Justin happened to have the same flight back to California. She was assigned a chair near the walk way and Justin was assigned a seat by the window which was on the opposite side of her. She sat there reading novel that she just started a few days ago. It was called, The Truth About Love. Reading love stories all of a sudden. Was this good?

Justin laid back, trying to make himself comfortable. It was starting to kick in now. The three hours of sleep he got was kicking his ass. He fidgeted his his seat, finding it hard to get comfortable with the tiny space he had. And the passenger who sat next to him was big boned. She was taking up most of his space.

"Wine, any one?" Beyoncé quickly looked up to see a flight attendant strolling a tray of beverage.

"Sure." She noticed Justin who had his hand out. "I'll take one." Just like him. Drinking wine all times of the day. He took the glass, flashing the attendant a warm smile. "Thank you." He happened to look away to notice Beyoncé watching him. He winked his eye, taking a sip of the substance. She looked away, shaking her head pathetically.

She started to think about the incident at the airport. How they kissed in front of everyone without second guessing. Thinking about it was beginning to turn her on.

"Pissss." She could hear someone hissing at her. She slowly looked over to stare at Justin who was jerking his head towards the back area. She looked back, her eyes landing on the restrooms in the back. Was he gesturing her to meet him in the restroom? He couldn't be serious.

She met his gaze once more, watching him stand to his feet. "Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." He squeezed through the tight space between the heavy set woman and the chair in front of her then proceeded down the aisle towards the restrooms. Beyoncé sat there trying to figure out what to do. Should she follow him? She really wanted to.

"Um, will you excuse me. Gotta use the restroom." She made her way down the aisle towards the restrooms. It was two of them next to one another. One was vacant and the other wasn't. That must have been the one Justin was in. She looked around cautiously to make sure no one was watching her before she knocked on the door.

Justin quickly pushed the door open, pulling her inside. He locked the door, moving in closer to her. There wasn't much space in the small restroom which was good. They didn't have to move around as much to be near each other. "Hey." He spoke, biting his lip teasingly.

"Hey." He reached out, grazing her cheek softly with the palm of his hand. "Um, so..." She cleared her throat. "Did you want something?" She asked, playing coy.

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, I did." He observed her beautiful face before leaning in to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly giving in. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her and attaching her legs to his waist. He backed her into the wall, never parting lips. Her body was feeling warm all over. She wanted this so desperately.

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