For Better Or For Worse?

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Chapter sixteen - For Better or For Worse?

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Chapter sixteen - For Better or For Worse?

April 28, 2002 (Two months later)

"I'll have a Bacardi." Justin sat at the bar in a club with his band mates after a taping of The Tonight Show with Letterman.

"So you are really leaving the group?" Joey asked, taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" The bartender sat a glass of Bacardi in front of him. "Thank you."

"I just thought you were talking nonsense. But then you announced it on the show. I didn't realize how serious you were."

"Me neither." JC added. "But hey, you gotta do what you feel is best."

"You guys knew for a long time that I wanted to go solo. I was waiting for the right time." He spoke, taking a sip of his drink. "We've had four albums so far. I think we've accomplished a lot during our time together. I wanna try something different. I was talking with Pharrell and he has ideas..."

"Who's Pharrell?" Joey asked curiously.

"He's a producer. He also has his own group but he was the one who approached me months ago. I was telling him that I was thinking about going solo. I've heard his work. He's pretty good." He sipped on and off on his beverage. "I just wanna..." He paused, trying to find the words to say.

"We know." JC interrupted. "We got ya' back. I was even thinking about a solo album too. So..."

"Well that's awesome." He turned his his stool, facing the dancing floor. His eyes scanned the bodies moving to the music. There were quite a few attractive women out tonight. Dancing and mingling.

"Damn, the freaks do come out at night. Look at that." JC pointed out a woman dancing with another girl and one of her breasts were basically hanging out of her top. "She's clearly drunk."

"Why don't you go intervene. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind." Justin teased.

"Nah. I'm too old for that. Why don't you go. They look like your type." Months earlier, he would have. But things changed. He changed.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night." He stood his feet, sitting a twenty dollar bill on the counter.

"Already? But we just got here." JC whined.

"I'm tired. We've been out all day. I think I'm gonna go back home and knock out. I'll see you guys next month for the awards show. Or if you want, you can stop by my place when you get tired of mingling" He proceeded towards the exit of the building.

Beyoncé prepared her a bowl of ice cream, taking a seat at the table. She sat there in a daze as she started to eat her late night snack. It was so quiet in the house. The only sound she could hear was the voices on the television coming from the living room.

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