The Blame Game

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Chapter five - The Blame Game

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Chapter five - The Blame Game

November 22, 2001 (The following morning - 3:00am)

It was dark in the room. It was very quiet and cool. But it felt so good. Laying next to his warm body. Beyoncé was positioned on her side, facing Justin who was asleep. He had his back to her in the spooning position as well. She didn't want to leave but she knew she had to. Within a few hours, the sun would be up and her parents would be preparing Thanksgiving dinner. She had to get back home.

She bit her lip in thought. She was really having a hard time deciding on whether to leave now or in a few hours. She knew once she fell asleep, she wouldn't have woken back up before the sun had risen.

So she decided she was going to leave. He was fast asleep any way so he wouldn't have noticed.

She leaned in, planting a soft kiss on his back. She then climbed out of bed, grabbing her trench coat from off the floor. "You're leaving?" She froze, quickly looking up to stare at Justin who was on his back now.

"Um, yeah. I have to." He watched her put back on her coat. "The sun will be up soon."

"Okay. Well um..." He sat up, stretching his arms and legs. "Can I call you later?" She chuckled softly, quickly throwing her hair in a pony tail.

"Sure. Why not?" She slipped back on her heels and ambled towards the bedroom window. She came to a halt, gradually looking in his direction to meet his gaze. "Thank you. I really enjoyed myself."

"So did I." He replied, observing her carefully. "You know you don't have to go now."

"I should. If I stay, I will oversleep." He stepped out of bed, ambling towards her.

"And is that a problem?" He asked, halting in front of her.

"Of course it is. I need to be home when my parents awake." He crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head pathetically.

"You don't. You're an adult and it's about time you start acting like one."

"Oh..." She rested her hand on her hip in attitude. "THAT coming from someone like you? Hmm." She lifted the bedroom window. "I gotta go." He reached out to grab her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"Fine. Go." She looked away to gaze at him. "But you're not leaving until I get what I want." She watched him lean in closer, leisurely locking lips with hers. He swathed his arms around her, pulling her closer.

"Justin..." She broke away. "I know what you're doing and I won't fall for it." She stuck her leg out of the window. "I gotta go. I'll speak to you later." He watched her climb out of the window, carefully heading down the latter to the first floor.

As soon as she entered the house, she froze when she noticed Solange sitting on the sofa watching television and eating out of a bowl of ice cream. They both met eyes with one another's. She was wondering why she was still up and her sister was wondering why she was coming from outside at three in the morning. "Where are you coming from?"

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