Déjà Vu

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Chapter ten - Déjà Vu

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Chapter ten - Déjà Vu

January 1, 2002 (Later that evening)

Beyoncé climbed up the latter to Justin's bedroom. When she made it to the top, she peered inside the room for a sign of life. No one was there. She knew Justin was home because his car was parked outside. And she knew his mother was there as well since her car was in the drive way.

She lifted up the window and climbed in. When she stuck her other leg in the window, she accidentally lost her balance and fell to the floor. "Shit." She whispered, searching the room again for precaution.

Justin quickly stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He could've sworn he heard a noise coming from his room.

When he yanked the door open, he peered inside to see Beyoncé sitting on the floor holding her knee. "Bee?" He rushed towards her, kneeling down beside her.

"You okay?" She nodded yes, biting her lip in pain. "What are you..." He tried so hard not to laugh. "Why didn't you just use the front door?"

"I saw your mother's car out front. I didn't want to..." He stood to his feet.

"Here." He reached his hand out to help her up. "Have a seat." She stood up, limping towards his bed.

"Dammit. I didn't think it would hurt this much."

"Next time, use the front door." She sat down on his bed, rubbing her knee soothingly. "Let me see it." He knelt down in front of her, grazing his hand over the area diligently. "Does it really hurt that bad? You must've fell pretty hard. I heard it from the bathroom." She watched him lean in, planting a soft kiss on the area. She held her head down, blushing slightly. "Is there a reason why you came over?" He asked, looking up to meet her gaze.

"I..." She stammered, a bit distracted by his good looks. And him being half naked wasn't making it better. "I needed to talk to you. Well..." She sighed heavily. "We need to talk."

"About what?" He stood up, discarding the towel from his waist. She watched him amble towards his closet where he retrieved a pair of boxers.

"I did some thinking."

"Thinking?" He asked, slipping on his boxers. "Doesn't sound good. I mean..." He continued getting dressed as they spoke. "I hope you didn't come here to tell me what you said earlier."

"This isn't working. I just...I don't think we should do this anymore. I want out...now before it's too late."

"Before it's too late? Well jeez, Bee. You're acting like it's the end of the world. You wanna stop having sex because of what? You think avoiding me will make things better?" He put on a polo shirt, grabbing a pair of sneakers afterwards. "We both enjoy having sex with each other so what's the problem? You said so yourself that you would never date someone like me."

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