Secret Love

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Chapter eleven - Secret Love

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Chapter eleven - Secret Love

January 3, 2002 (Two days later)

Beyoncé took a deep breath and twisted the knob, pulling the door open. Her eyes landed on a very handsome looking man in a tuxedo. Her gaze slowly trailed up his figure, halting at his pants. She didn't want to make it obvious how speechless she was. She hadn't seen him this sharp never. He dressed up this nice just to go out with her on a date? And as friends? "Justin..." He flashed her his pearly whites.

"Hey." His eyes burnt a hole into her silk dress, only giving him dirty thoughts. Every curve on her body was noticeable. "You look..." He didn't want to exaggerate. But why shouldn't he? "You look stunning." She bit her lip, blushing massively.

"Thank you. I'm...I just gotta get my purse." He watched her turn, ambling towards the living room. He couldn't stop eying her ass that look nice in the dress she wore. He told himself to only say sweet things to her and not to try and focus just on her looks. This was going to be interesting. "Ready." She stepped outside, shutting her door.

"I got you this." He held out a jewelry box for her. "It's nothing major. I thought you'd like it."

"Um, what is it?"

"Open it and see." She took the box from him, quickly meeting his gaze. He stood there with a grin on his face, just anxious to see her expression. "Go on."

"Okay." She lifted the lid, gazing in on a pair of diamond rings. "Justin..." She had no idea what to say. For two friends going out on an innocent date, it surely didn't feel that way. "I can't take this."

"Please. I want you to keep it." He bit his lip, eying her interestingly. He couldn't say anything sexual. He had to reframe himself. "So, I guess we should be going." He turned, stepping off the porch. She followed behind him, her eyes burning a hole into his cute ass. She was starting to get that sensation in her stomach. She was very interested in him but she still had her guard up. At the same time, she kept telling herself that after all of this--after all of the sex, he was still around. That had to count for something.

The both of them hopped in his car and drove off. "Where are we going? You insisted I get dressed in my best outfit..."

"Which is really nice, by the way." He added, glancing over at her. She had her gaze on him; her pussy getting wetter by the minutes. She never thought Justin could be this fucking hot. She too was trying to control herself. This was about two friends going out, having fun together. Not being all over each other.

"Justin, I..." She hesitated.

"What's wrong?" He pulled up at a light, looking at her. His eyes trailed up her body, halting at her breasts. He sat there imagining the types of things he could do with them. It was starting to make his dick hard. The both of them kept eying one another on and off, trying to control themselves. Was this even a good idea? Going out on a date like this knowing how they felt?

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