Happy Birthday

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Chapter twelve - Happy Birthday

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Chapter twelve - Happy Birthday

January 31, 2002 (Twenty-eight days later)

Justin was holding a 21st birthday party for himself at his house. It was packed of people from friends to family members. "So what do you think is the best gift for a man?" Beyoncé checked out a few items in a store at the mall with her sister Solange.

"Well I don't know. Clothes...cologne...jewelry?" Solange spoke, examining a dress hanging on a rack. "Why you ask? Oh what do you think of this?" She looked away to stare at her sister who was holding up a dress in front of her.

"It's cute. Um..." She bit her lip in thought. "I ask because I was invited to birthday party." Solange gasped in excitement while meeting her gaze.

"A party? When? Where? When are we going?" She chuckled softly.

"WE aren't going anywhere. I..." She pointed to herself. "...was invited."

"What? See, that's not fair. You invite me to stay at your place for a few days and you don't tell me about the party?" A grin slowly formed upon her lips.

"I was just joking, big head. It's Justin's birthday today. He invited the both of us so if you're going, you need to find a gift. I don't know what to get. I'm not good at picking gifts."

"Get him something from the Adult store. You know, one of those blow up dolls. Ahaha." She laughed hysterically.

"Very funny. Why would he need one of those? I'm sure he gets plenty." The both of them ambled further inside the store.

"How would you know? I wasn't aware he was dating anybody. Last chick I saw him with was Britney." She stopped, fiddling with a hat. "This is nice." She spoke, trying it on in front of a mirror. "I wonder if he's any good. I wonder if he has a big dick. You ever wonder that?" Beyoncé bit her lip, trying hard not to reveal the truth. Solange was good at figuring things out. And she knew her very well. "Maybe I will fuck him. That'll be my birthday gift."

"Ha-ha. Girl, you are something else. He's not interested in the sistas." She implied, scanning the row of shoes in the back. "I'm gonna go see what they have on sale."

"Okay." She stood there in deep thought. "Uhh how would you know?!" She shouted.

"Ahaha!!!" Justin ran towards his cousin Rachel who was standing in front of the pool in her bikini and hat. "Boo!" He shouted, quickly lifting her a few feet off the floor.

"No. No, Justin don't!! I just got my hair..." He heaved her in the air, watching her fall into the water with a big splash.

"Ha-ha. Ahaha." He stood there, laughing hysterically. She jumped out of the water, her whole body soaked. "I told ya' I would get your ass."

"I am gonna KILL you!!! Aunt Lynn!!!!" She swam towards the three feet of the pool.

"Hey now..." He held his hands up, quickly backing away from her the closer she moved in. "You can't hurt me. Remember, it's my birthday. I'm supposed to be treated special today."

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