5. Not Everyone Can Save You

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I clicked off the top of my pen and began scribbling the black ink across my notebook. I tried to keep a journal about how I felt everyday, and on this particular day I had quite a lot to write about. Mainly because I can add Levi to a page because I forgot to document yesterday.

I ran into one of the most fascinating boy's today at lunch. Well, I didn't exactly run into him, more like I saw him from a far and took off when I saw him look at me. Anyway, his eyes were just as beautiful and glistening as they were the night before.

I thought the embarrassment would end there, but it didn't. After I left the cafeteria I sat down in a chair by the lobby and started texting Avery, but a hand touched my shoulder and caused me to jump.

I stopped writing when I couldn't decide how to finish the entry. From there on I mostly had an awkward conversation with this boy who I had hardly known. He never told me his name, and I never told him mine. But from the look in his eyes and the way his lips curled when he smiled, I had a pretty good idea that it was Levi.

I twirled the pen around my fingers and bit my lip as I thought about how to continue writing the rest, but my thoughts were cut short when my phone started vibrating in my pocket.

I pulled it out and looked down at the screen. It wasn't Avery, and it wasn't Nathan, it was a cluster of numbers that I've never seen before.

Meet me in the park in ten minutes.

Just seeing that a random number from a mystery person knew who I was, and had my number, made my body shiver in fear. I've always hated surprises, especially ones which you would expect to see in horror movies, which coincidently is the surprise I'm currently dealing with at the moment. You know, the ones from random numbers that tell you to meet them at a certain place at a certain time. The only thing this text was lacking was the signature 'come alone' part at the end.

I hovered my thumbs over the keypad and thought about how to respond to a text that could potentially be from a murderer.

Who are you? How would I be able to trust you if I don't know who you are.

Within seconds, a reply came back from the number, almost as if it was scripted and they knew I'd ask this.

It's an important meeting for the team.

I sighed in relief while my shoulders became less tense, but something still seemed sketchy about the whole situation. Last time they called a meeting, I got a secret note that told me to rip it up after reading it. Sending a text seems much less secretive, which caused me to think that I was being setup.

I reread the messages and thought about what to do. If I go, I could get murdered or arrested, or, well, anything could happen really. But if I don't go I may get kicked out of the group for not being loyal and committed.

I put my phone back in my pocket and closed my notebook, sliding it under my pillow to hide it so I could finish my entry later. Besides, after this meeting, maybe I'll have more to write about.


I got to the park alittle over ten minutes, and to my surprise, it was completely empty. It's far past cerfuew, but I'd expected to see at least the group waiting for me.

"Hello?" I called out.

I hand came behind me and pressed against my mouth. I tried to scream and bite, but nothing worked. Even kicking and punching didn't seem to phase the person to move their hand away, probably because they were behind me and I was unable to turn my head or body to really hit them.

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