3. Don't Get Caught

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We played a game of follow the leader while we exited the old and abandoned house, which was a huge relief to me. I've always hated that house, mainly because the squeaky floorboards and dusty furniture made it seem like the whole house stood still in time, untouched and forever in place.

"Get down!" Our leader screeched as we got to the bottom of the driveway.

Everyone assumed position, but I looked around trying to push away the thought of getting arrested before I even had a chance to vandalize or tag anything.

Levi pulled on my arm and caught me before my head could hit the concrete. He covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming, and the only thing I could feel was my heart pounding and his warm hand against my skin.

"Stay quiet," he whispered next to my ear.

My eyes shot around at the different members, and the expressions on their painted on faces. This must be a regular routine because they're all acting as if it's normal to be lying on the ground while flashlights swarm through the air around us, with only a row of bushes shielding us from the cops sight.

Eventually the light turned off and the sound of wheels moved over gravel and left us in complete silence.

"Nice job team," the leader said while giving us a thumbs up and waving at us to continue following him.

Levi carefully took his hand off my mouth and awkwardly laughed as he picked me up and brushed the gravel off my arm.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked, pointing to my elbow.

I looked down and saw drips of blood streaming down my skin and reviling a gash mark on my elbow. I had so much adrenaline in my body, I haven't even felt the rocks cut open my skin.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said while wiping away the blood. It still feels numb, but I know It's going to hurt like hell once my blood stops pumping fast through my veins.

"I'll clean it up for you when we get back," he whispered to me.

I smiled and continued to watch each step I took on the sidewalk until we reached a patch of grass. Everyone in the front of the line turned to the rest of us and examined the perimeter before speaking.

"The restaurants right through this backyard," one of the members announced before ascending over a wooden fence.

We followed, and when it was my turn to jump the fence, Levi walked in front of me and cupped his hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Giving you a lift."

"Im fine, I'll be able to get up. It's not that high."

He held up his hands in defeat and stepped back to allow me to hoist myself up, except, I wasn't able to life my body weight. I let out a sigh and looked back at him.

"Alright, fine. Can you please give me a boost?" I asked.

He smirked in triumph and came closer while interlocking his fingers and getting lower to the ground. I took a step on his hands and he hoisted me up onto the top of the fence, allowing me to climb over the ledge.

Everyone else was already sitting by the back door of the restaurant and waiting for us to make it over. I looked back but Levi wasn't there, so I voluntarily chose to walk alone the rest of the way. Besides, I can be alone for a few minutes.

"Hey, rookie," one of them called out from the wall.

I squinted my eyes at him and walked closer. He was smirking and was clearly planning something. My stomach churned as I saw him push his back off the brick wall and move a step closer in my direction.

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