15. Flannels By The Water

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I sat in my car in the parking lot as I overlooked the lake in front of me. It's approximately 9:04, and there's someone at the other end of the lake but I can't tell if it's Levi.

I got out of the car and locked it behind myself before I started walking in the cold and wet grass towards the figure's direction. He stood tall, but his face was unfamiliar from far away. Then again, that would be expected considering I've never seen his real face.

"Parker! Hey!" He called out.


I sighed in relief as I approached him while he stood towards the edge of the lake. He's much different than I imagined him, but I'm not complaining by any means.

He was very tall, which I already knew from seeing him so much and comparing my short height to his tall body. His hair was towards the front of his head and disheveled, making him took like a throwback with the whisps of hair that was randomly resting on his forehead. And his eyes, which have always been my favorite part about him, shined bright against the reflection of the moon in the water.

Another thing that was different was the fact that he was wearing actual clothes. Yes, he wore clothes every time we vandalized, but they were always pitch black to help him blend in with the night. Now, he's wearing a black tee, black skinny jeans, and a flannel. Although the color pattern's slightly similar, it's much more different in some way.

As I finally came close enough into his reach he pulled me into a hug and told me how much he missed me. I breathed in his cologne while my head rested on his chest. His whole body was warm, which brought me the comfort that I needed.

"I'm glad you came," I said as we pulled away from each other.

"Yeah, I'm really glad. Although, I never doubted you for a second."

I smiled and he grabbed my hand while we started walking by the edge of the water. It seemed like everything was moving fast, like he wouldn't be grabbing my hand until the end of the date, but for some reason I'm still somehow okay with all of this.

"So, how was your day?" He asked.

"It was okay. I kinda just stayed inside and listen to music while I read books."

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

"I'm not telling you. You're going to laugh at me."

"Parker, would I ever laugh at you?" He asked while he made an unconvincing face at me, causing me to laugh myself.

"Fine. My music is very random. Some days I like rock, some days I like pop, and others I just like acoustic."

"Well what was today?"



I nodded as I pulled my hair away from my face while we began to turn and walk down the pier. I listened to his loud footsteps against the wood while mine were soft treads behind. The moon lit up the water around us, and guided us towards the end of the pier.

"Well, you're in for some luck," he said while he sat me down at the edge with him.

"Why is that?"

"Because I play acoustic."

"Do you? Do you have your guitar."

"No, not with me right now. But I can sing."

I smiled as he took my hand and looked out towards the moonlight and horizon of the water. I took off my shoes and dangled my feet over the edge and felt my toes meet the cold water below.

Levi began singing, and it was nothing that I had expected. His voice was smooth and quiet, but still somehow had that element of raspiness. I didn't recognize the song he was singing, but it was beautiful. He carried on while I watched out as waves formed and broke out in the distance. Everything felt at peace and surreal as I sat in silence and listened to his comforting voice with my eyes closed.


I opened my eyes and looked at him. I hadn't noticed that the song was over and we've been sitting with nothing but the waves comforting us.

"Oh, sorry. Your voice is just so peaceful and beautiful I didn't mean to look like-"

"It's okay. I'm glad you liked it," he laughed.

He stood up and helped me up as I took my feet out of the water and placed them on the dock. The water felt much warmer than the air around us, so I began to shake when a breeze swept by.

"Are you cold? You're not even wearing a sweatshirt," Levi said as he looked at my dress.

I looked down and studied my clothes. My dress was pretty short and didn't have sleeves, and I'm not able to wear my shoes now that my feet are wet.

"No, I'm okay."

"Parker don't lie. I know you're cold."

"Okay, fine I am."

He gave me a small laugh while he took off his red and black flannel and placed it around my shoulders. I allowed his body heat to transfer to my skin and warm me while I breathed in the scent of his cologne.

"Better?" He asked.

"Much better."

He took my hand once again and lead me off of the dock and back onto the grass. I carried my shoes in my one hand while Levi grasped my other hand in his.

We walked up until we made it to my car, and I looked back at the waves and smiled at how much I now appreciate the lake. It's like a hidden gem, one that I always knew was there but never really stopped to appreciate.

"Time to go?" He asked as I finally snapped back to reality and looked at my car.

"I guess so."

"Well not without the fantasy ending," Levi said sarcastically which made me laugh.

I placed my shoes on the roof of my car as he grabbed the two sides of the opening of the flannel and pulled me closer. I studied his face as I came near him, and noticed a small tint of brown in his eyes and light freckle which brimmed his nose. I never noticed it before, but they make me think of him as much cuter now.

I stood on my toes to get taller and he finally pulled me in by his flannel, and he pressed his lips against mine as we listened to the sound of waves in the background. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand on my back, and the sudden bit of heat that escaped his skin left me with chills. As I pulled away we smiled at each other and I hugged the flannel closer to my body and looked down with my face burning red while he brushed my hair out of my face.

"Oh," I said while I began to take the flannel off. I've been so comfortable with it, I just began to claim it as mine.

"No, no! Keep it."

I smiled while I pulled it back on and gripped the openings in the sleeves. I love that it's oversized, it just makes it much more comforting.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said while he gave me a final kiss on the cheek and walked away.

I couldn't contain my excitement, so I quickly grabbed my shoes and got into my car before I burst out into a fit of giggles. I know it sounds girly, but I couldn't help myself. He just makes me so happy.

I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving back home as I felt the fleece of his shirt cover my skin.

I know it might upset Nathan, but I think Levi's clearly the winner. I'll invite Avery over tomorrow so she can help me figure out how to tell him, because it was her plan in the first place anyway.

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