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Mutually beneficial. An adjective that means "relying on or requiring a person or thing for support." Synonyms include interdependent or mutualist.

It was something I never knew I'd be.

I was perfectly content with my seemingly imperfect life. I was used to the lack of attention from my parents. I was happy being in the middle ground in high school. And I never complained about the lack of attention my boyfriend gave me.

Reid Smith was the type of guy that parents dreamed their daughters of finding. He was easy on the eyes, charming and smart. But to me he was bland, uninteresting and was as downright boring as his name suggests. I wish I could say that under his brooding exterior lay a mystery that I wished to unravel. But that's kind of difficult when my own boyfriend refuses to touch me unless we're in the presence of other people. But I soldiered on because he was the only sense of normality in my life.

But I never relied on Reid Smith and he never relied on me. Our relationship was mostly suffocating and lacked any benefits. I didn't think I'd ever need to rely on anyone.

That is, until I met Brooks Ryland.

The only guy that's ever let me cry on his shoulder. The only person who never made me feel inferior. The only man who has ever made me feel beautiful.


Author's Note

Hey guys! So like I've been on quite a hiatus from writing because I lost motivation. I have written several stories on here but I've decided to unpublish them all so that I can focus on one story at a time and I've decided to work on Mutually Beneficial. For those of you who have already read this, I will be making slight changes to the chapters as my writing style has changed. The overall plot however, will remain the same. I will upload at least one chapter a week, on Sundays (Australian EST). And because I've already pre-written some chapters and I just need to edit, uploads will be consistent as I already have a head start. Anyways, that's all I have to say and I hope you continue with me on my writing journey :)

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