Chapter 3 - Friends with Benefits?

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"Notice the people happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness. They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart."

- Anonymous

I've been sitting here for what seems like more than an hour, but in reality is probably no more than 5 minutes. My breath remains shallow, my hiccupping fit knocking the wind out of my lungs. I can sense that my cheeks are flushed, my eyes puffy. But I can also feel the Axe-scented human being next to me.

Brooks Ryland, someone who I've only ever talked to during chemistry, is closer to me than my own boyfriend ever was. Both of his arms are wrapped protectively around me; my frame already small but compared to him, it made me seem like a child. I finally gain the courage to remove my nestled head from the crook of his neck. I come face-to-face with a mask of worry, his eyes swimming with emotions I've never seen in him before. Both of us, challenging each other to who will speak first. Seeing as I'm too petrified to do anything but stare awkwardly at him, he relents and opens his mouth. I brace myself for what he has to say.

"Why are you still with him Giulia?"

His question doesn't faze me. "Because I have no choice."

"What? Is he holding you against your will or something? It's obvious neither of you have feelings for each other."

"Like I said, I have no choice. Now can you just drop it," I insist.

"No, I will not drop it. Give me one good reason as to why you haven't dumped his sorry ass."

That's the plan in the future, don't worry. "You and I both know what will happen if I do."

"Yeah, and what's that?"

"He'll make everyone hate me," I say simply.

When these words slip my mouth, the emotion of concern in his eyes washes away and is replaced with anger. Is he angry at me? Angry at Reid? I don't know. But what I do know is, is that he is fuming.

"Is your reputation more important to you than your emotional state?!" His voice rises to a level I've never heard him use before. "You basically collapsed in tears right in front of me!"

"God, of course not Brooks. Don't you think I've tried?! But every time I try to bring it up he constantly reminds me that he basically rules the school. If we ever broke up, who do you think everyone will believe? Triton Prep's Golden Boy who can do no wrong? Or the "slut" that broke his heart?"

Brooks looks at me appalled. "Did he honestly tell you that?"

I nod in confirmation. "He's a master manipulator, it's what he does. No one will believe me, they don't know the real him."

"I believe you." He gives me a sad smile. "So will your friends, they love you."

"As much as I'd hope they'd take my side; they've been friends with him far longer than I have. Plus, Jake is his cousin. Blood is thicker than water."

"Then I'll help you figure something out," he says with absolute conviction. He takes my hand in his and caresses the top with his thumb.

The unfamiliar contact stuns me. For I moment, I allow myself to enjoy the small, yet intimate gesture. Then the meaning of his words hit me. "No. No, you will not do anything. We're graduating soon and after high school I plan on dumping him on the side of the road. I just need to soldier through a little longer."

He laughs lightly at this and then turns serious. "As much as I'd love to see that happen, you don't deserve to be treated like this anymore. If you want I'll help you, you know I will."

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